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399 points gmays | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.215s | source
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chriscappuccio ◴[] No.42166382[source]
Wasn't it just a week ago we discovered that widely used models were significantly underestimating CO2 absorption by plants?
replies(2): >>42167015 #>>42169850 #
badgersnake ◴[] No.42167015[source]
The models may be perfect or imperfect, either way the temperature is still going up.
replies(1): >>42168755 #
thegrim33 ◴[] No.42168755[source]
- "Models say X is happening."

- "Well, isn't there this specific problem with the model?"

- "It doesn't matter, because X is happening"

Not sure the line of logic follows there.

replies(2): >>42169333 #>>42170938 #
GeoAtreides ◴[] No.42170938[source]
your argument has an invalid premise: "Models say X is happening." It's not the models that are saying X (temp goes up) is happening, it's empirical data.

A better argument is:

- We observe X is happening

- create a model of X happening

- use model of X to predict X in the future

- model of X might be or might not be flawed

- meanwhile, X is still happening in the real world

replies(1): >>42170979 #
1. badgersnake ◴[] No.42170979[source]
It’s also interesting that this site has been having a collective orgasm over models that frequently give wrong answers for at least a year now. When climate is involved it’s suddenly a big problem.