Unrelated to this article, are there any reasons to use TCP/IP over WebSockets? The latter is such a clean, message-based interface that I don't see a reason to use TCP/IP.
Yes, I know that WebSockets layer over TCP/IP. But that both misses the point and is part of the point. The reason that I ask is that WebSockets seem to almost always be used in the context of web applications. TCP/IP still seems to dominate control communications between hardware. But why not WebSockets? Almost everyone ends up building a message framing protocol on top of TCP/IP, so why not just use WebSockets which has bi-directional message framing built-in? I'm just not seeing why WebSockets aren't as ubiquitous as TCP/IP and only seem to be relegated to web applications.
Interesting point. For example, Web apps cannot speak BitTorrent (because Web apps are not allowed to use TCP) but they can speak WebTorrent over WebRTC and native apps can also speak WebTorrent. So in some sense a protocol that runs over WebSockets/WebRTC is superior because Web apps and native apps can speak it.