I'm not saying you're wrong at all or in disbelief -- but I've spent lots of time with Claude 3.5 trying to prototype React apps and not even full fledged prototypes -- and I can't get it to make anything bug free somehow.
Maybe I'm "holding it wrong" -- I mean using it incorrectly.
True it renders quite interesting mockups and has React code behind it -- but then try and get this into even a demoable state for your boss or colleagues...
Even a simple "please create a docker file with everything I need in a directory to get this up and running"...doesn't work.
Docker file doesnt work (my fault maybe for not expressing I'm on Arm64), app is miss configured, files are in the wrong directories, key things are missing.
Again just my experience.
I find Claude interesting for generating ideas-- but I have a hard time seeing how a dev with six months experience could get multiple "paid" apps out with it. I have 20 years (bla, bla) experience and still find it requires outrageous hand holding for anything serious.
Again I'm not doubting you at all -- I'm just saying me personally I find it hard to be THAT productive with it.