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908 points thunderbong | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.404s | source
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WD-42 ◴[] No.42162230[source]
I really don’t like these logos that are boxes with text in the lower right. The post cites a “common design language” with other tech but this has to be the most low effort language imaginable.
replies(17): >>42162280 #>>42162299 #>>42162332 #>>42162421 #>>42162434 #>>42162913 #>>42163054 #>>42163131 #>>42164021 #>>42164025 #>>42164152 #>>42164458 #>>42165634 #>>42166052 #>>42166909 #>>42167023 #>>42170503 #
kalleboo ◴[] No.42163131[source]
They should have centered the text in it both vertically and horizontally
replies(1): >>42163161 #
reddalo ◴[] No.42163161[source]
It's impossible to do that with CSS :)
replies(1): >>42163469 #
matsemann ◴[] No.42163469[source]
Could've used this classic CSS joke as the logo https://i.etsystatic.com/21468781/r/il/426363/2712010149/il_...
replies(1): >>42164881 #
1. mattrad ◴[] No.42164881[source]
There was a submission like that :) https://github.com/CSS-Next/css-next/issues/105#issuecomment...
replies(1): >>42165419 #
2. ◴[] No.42165419[source]