No, you have created "a type that can be one of int, uint, or string, or anything that backs directly to them". They all can >, and since that's the only thing you used in Max, everything works fine. You don't have a sum type; you have "a type that is either an int, a uint, a string, or something that backs to them",
specifically. It doesn't come in as any sort of sum type, it is specifically one of those types directly.
For one thing, as you've specified it, you don't even have a closed set of types. Off in another package I can declare a "type MyInt int" and use your Max on it, so if you tried to type switch in your Max function, you would not know about my type, and it is arguably the defining characteristic of a sum type that you can know all the branches it has.
You can fix that by knocking off the tilde, but then you still have the problem that it is not legal to use "switch val := a.(type)", which is basically the level of deconstruction of a type that Go permits, because when the Max function is running, it is not running on a value of type "Ordered"; it literally has a value of the type you passed in. That's the whole point of generics, to have values of the concrete type that was passed in, and not a sort of "sum type".
Note you don't get "Ordered". You get the specific types. That's not any sort of "generic weirdness", that's the real situation. That's why you can only use the intersection of operations they all support.
If you want a sum type in Go, use closed interfaces: If you're willing to accept what you've written as a sum type, you should be even more willing to accept this method, which actually produces a reasonable approximation of one.