At least 95% of the code was generated by AI (I reached the limit so had to add final bits on my own).
At least 95% of the code was generated by AI (I reached the limit so had to add final bits on my own).
POCs and demos are easy to build by anyone these days. The last 10% is what separates student projects from real products.
any engineer who has spent time in the trenches understands that fixing corner cases in code produced by inexperienced engineers consumes a lot of time.
in fact, poor overall design and lack of diligence tanks entire projects.
There’s a daily 2.5 million token limit that you can use up fairly quickly with 100K context
So they may very well have completed the whole program with Claude. It’s just the machine literally stopped and the human had to do the final grunt work.
I can't think of a worse llm than Claude.
If ClaudeAI can't create something from my prompts or their own suggestions that's on Claude. Maybe it was my new account on that day at that time. There was a 10 response limit too which made it unworth it to even bother with.
First account I ever actually deleted instead of just never going back. It was that bad.