This is fixable. Because you can have back references. You just have to use Rc, Rc::Weak, .upgrade(), RefCell, .borrow, and .borrow_mut(). This works, but only if the upgrades and borrows never fail. A failed .borrow() is a panic. The implication is that if you use .borrow() or .borrow_mut(), there's some good reason to think it will never fail.
For Rc::Weak, the key constraint is that all weak pointers must drop before all strong pointers have dropped. If you can prove that, .upgrade() doesn't need a run-time check.
For RefCell, the key constraint is that no .borrow() or .borrow_mut() may be enclosed by the scope of a conflicting .borrow() or .borrow_mut(). This requires a transitive closure check on who borrows what. For many simple cases, this is statically checkable. It does require inter-function checking.
Can those checks be moved to compile time? Probably. There's already a compile-time static Rc.[1] Compile-time RefCell checking looks possible.[2] It's non-trivial to do this, but worth thinking about.
DARPA's TRACTOR project (Translating All C To Rust) is likely to generate vast amounts of Rc-heavy code, if it works. So that provides some motivation for doing something to check at compile time.