Rolling Stone reported 120m for Tyson and Paul on Netflix [1].
These are very different numbers. 120m is Super Bowl territory. Could Hotstar handle 3-4 of those cricket matches at the same time without issue?
For many people, often those with backgrounds that make them unlikely to frequent HN, the experience they're looking for is "1. get home, 2. open beer, 3. turn TV on, 4. watch."
The default state of a streaming app is to ask you what you want to watch, and then show you exactly the thing you selected. The default state of traditional TV is to show you something, and let you switch to something else if you can't stand the thing you're watching right now or have something specific in mind. Surprisingly, many people prefer the latter over the former.
The same applies to radio versus streaming, many family members of mine don't use streaming, because all it takes to turn on the radio is turning the key in the ignition, which they have to do anyway.