I really wanted to like SICP but Lisp throws me off. I love Haskell and Standard ML however! Did others have a similar experience? Might be interesting to read a book similar in spirit to SICP but using a different language as a vehicle (No, I don't want to do SICP in JavaScript).
SICP isn't a book about Lisp, however it uses some of Lisp's unique properties to demonstrate important concepts that other languages can't easily replicate. A book that's meant to be similar to SICP that doesn't use Scheme or Lisp would not be anything like SICP, or at least not teach the same things. Haskell and ML are in my experience much harder to understand than Scheme, so I'm wondering what your difficulty is?
There's a SICP edition done in Javascript.
Have you looked at it? It's an abomination. The point of SICP isn't Scheme or the syntax of Scheme, but what it represents. Whoever made the Javascript rewrite didn't understand that. You can't write a metacircular interpreter in Javascript, because Javascript is not homoiconic.