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1117 points kentonv | 10 comments | | HN request time: 1.033s | source | bottom

I wasn't quite sure if this qualified as "Show HN" given you can't really download it and try it out. However, dang said[0]:

> If it's hardware or something that's not so easy to try out over the internet, find a different way to show how it actually works—a video, for example, or a detailed post with photos.

Hopefully I did that?

Additionally, I've put code and a detailed guide for the netboot computer management setup on GitHub:


Anyway, if this shouldn't have been Show HN, I apologize!

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22336638

1. LakesAndTrees ◴[] No.42160767[source]
I think the thing that I’m most amazed by - and this setup is truly amazing - is the fact that you’ve got a group of friends to enjoy this with. Good for you; this looks like a blast, and I can only imagine how fun that’d be, compared to years of purely solo gaming.
replies(3): >>42161241 #>>42161575 #>>42232394 #
2. MetaMalone ◴[] No.42161241[source]
So real. Most valuable component of this setup
replies(1): >>42161307 #
3. wyclif ◴[] No.42161307[source]
Yeah, it's impressive that someone built this. But the most impressive thing to me is that he has a group of friends who have been doing LAN parties together for 30 years. I can't think of anyone that I know that still does that.
replies(1): >>42162118 #
4. ckmiller ◴[] No.42161575[source]
Especially amazing considering that he moved from Palo Alto to Austin. Did all his friends move too?
replies(2): >>42161622 #>>42163311 #
5. kentonv ◴[] No.42161622[source]
My junior high friends that I've been having parties with for 30 years live in Minneapolis (where I grew up). They fly out for New Year's Eve each year.

But, in fact, some friends who regularly attended LAN parties in the Bay Area moved to Austin around the same time we did. And some others are also willing to travel for New Year's.

(Most parties are just local people, of course.)

replies(1): >>42185201 #
6. Aeolun ◴[] No.42162118{3}[source]
I do, but the group is nowhere near large enough (3-4 people) that we need a house dedicated to it…
7. jokethrowaway ◴[] No.42163311[source]
Plenty of people in tech moved from Silicon Valley to Austin to get a better tax / quality of life deal, even in my social circle. Remote working becoming widely available really made a difference.

I'm in a completely different part of the world, but for similar reasons I ended up with a few friends in tech who moved to the same part of the world - and I've also met similar profiles to ours, attracted by the same reasons.

replies(1): >>42163448 #
8. hawk_ ◴[] No.42163448{3}[source]
Where did you move to if you don't mind me asking? The chasm between SV tech comp and various "completely different part of the world" is massive. Were you able to meet your employer in the middle?
9. andiareso ◴[] No.42185201{3}[source]
Hey Minneapolis for the win! Blaine area here :D
10. risenshinetech ◴[] No.42232394[source]
I think it's a pretty sad state of affairs if the most amazing thing about this is having friends.