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492 points storf45 | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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dylan604 ◴[] No.42157048[source]
People just do not appreciate how many gotchas can pop up doing anything live. Sure, Netflix might have a great CDN that works great for their canned content and I could see how they might have assumed that's the hardest part.

Live has changed over the years from large satellite dishes beaming to a geosat and back down to the broadcast center($$$$$), to microwave to a more local broadcast center($$$$), to running dedicated fiber long haul back to a broadcast center($$$), to having a kit with multiple cell providers pushing a signal back to a broadcast center($$), to having a direct internet connection to a server accepting a live http stream($).

I'd be curious to know what their live plan was and what their redundant plan was.

replies(6): >>42157110 #>>42157117 #>>42157164 #>>42159101 #>>42159285 #>>42159954 #
xyst ◴[] No.42159101[source]
You are making excuses for a multibillion dollar company that has been in this game for many years. Maybe the first to market in streaming.

This isn’t NFLX’s first rodeo in live streaming. Have seen a handful of events pop up in their apps.

There is no excuse. All of the resources and talent at their disposal, and they looked absolutely amateurish. Poor optics.

I would be amazed if they are able to secure another exclusive contract like this in the future.

replies(3): >>42159207 #>>42159321 #>>42160683 #
Xenoamorphous ◴[] No.42159321[source]
Sorry for the off topic but what’s this thing that I only come across in Hacker News about referring to a company by their stock exchange name (APPL, MSFT, etc) outside of a stock context? It seems really weird to me.
replies(7): >>42159354 #>>42159565 #>>42159822 #>>42159928 #>>42159950 #>>42160352 #>>42166018 #
1. umanwizard ◴[] No.42159950[source]
In-group signaling for people who like playing or thinking about the stock market. Similar to how people who make travel a big part of their identity refer to cities by their airport code.
replies(2): >>42160691 #>>42166025 #
2. dylan604 ◴[] No.42160691[source]
Or maybe they are pilots?
replies(1): >>42160923 #
3. NovemberWhiskey ◴[] No.42160923[source]
"I flew into LHR on Monday" - frequent flyer

"I flew into EGLL on Monday" - pilot

4. xyst ◴[] No.42166025[source]
not really. It’s just something I adopted as part of a job I had for fintech 3-4 yrs ago

I don’t do it as some sort of “signaling” for “fintech bros” or anything like that