A suite of real-time public transit projects that are used by millions of people every day. OneBusAway helps people find out when and where their bus will arrive, and provides them with a trip planner, too. OBA is used by transit riders everywhere from Seattle to New York City; Adelaide, Australia to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In addition to developers, we would also benefit greatly from product management and user experience assistance.
Tech stacks in need of help:
iOS app (Swift): developers, 2+ years of experience with iOS.
Android app (Java/Kotlin): developers, 2+ years of experience with Android.
REST API Server (Java): developers, 2+ years of experience with Java.
Docs: Java developers with an interest in technical writing who can help to document our backend systems.
Find all of our projects: https://github.com/onebusaway
Join our Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/onebusaway/shared_invite/zt-2jve26v...
Reach out to me directly: aaron@onebusaway.org