Don’t buy the cheap Chinese knockoffs.
Don’t buy the cheap Chinese knockoffs.
There were many cases a few years ago of people buying branded tourniquets, only to be sold fake ones. The item looked genuine, but the integrity of the plastic could not maintain the pressures needed and broke. An emergency is not the time to realize that mistake.
Lifehammers don't work on laminated glass, like your front windshield (that would be bad, as it would mean a rock chip would shatter your window).
But more and more manufactures are putting in laminated side windows in their cars both for comfort (noise) and rollover protection, so Lifehammers don't work there either.
I believe in the USA lots of tests are actually done without seatbelts, and this makes the requirements harder to meet.
Also I know this video has a firefighter in it but I will tell you that FFs are more likely to use a sawzall than a hand tool.
If you carry a fireweapon, don't lose time finding the lifehammer (But then we need to choose between bulletproof glasses for external threats or breakable glasses for internal danger. Both options are exclusive).