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492 points storf45 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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walrushunter ◴[] No.42154141[source]
I'm an engineering manager at a Fortune 500 company. The dumbest engineer on our team left for Netflix. He got a pay raise too.

Our engineers are fucking morons. And this guy was the dumbest of the bunch. If you think Netflix hires top tier talent, you don't know Netflix.

replies(30): >>42154160 #>>42154170 #>>42154176 #>>42154207 #>>42154212 #>>42154215 #>>42154217 #>>42154219 #>>42154225 #>>42154276 #>>42154278 #>>42154295 #>>42154314 #>>42154327 #>>42154373 #>>42154379 #>>42154399 #>>42154413 #>>42154440 #>>42154466 #>>42154547 #>>42154591 #>>42154596 #>>42154612 #>>42154786 #>>42154904 #>>42154925 #>>42155154 #>>42156451 #>>42157645 #
gamblor956 ◴[] No.42154547[source]
Our engineers are fucking morons

If your "dumbest engineer" got a job and a hefty raise going to Netflix, it means he was very capable engineer who was playing the part of moron at this Fortune 500 company because he was reporting to a manager who was calling him and the entire team morons and he didn't feel the need to go above and beyond for that manager.

Also, highly likely that it was the manager that was the moron and not everyone around him.

replies(1): >>42154760 #
throwawaythekey ◴[] No.42154760[source]
> If your "dumbest engineer" got a job and a hefty raise going to Netflix, it means he was very capable engineer who was playing the part of moron

It's also possible that there's very little correlation between capability, reputation and salary.

Don't we all know someone who is overpaid? There are more than a few well known cases of particular employers who select for overpaid employees...

replies(2): >>42154797 #>>42154831 #
normie3000 ◴[] No.42154831[source]
> well known cases of particular employers who select for overpaid employees

Not well-known enough, apparently. Where should I be applying?

replies(1): >>42155661 #
throwawaythekey ◴[] No.42155661{3}[source]
There are different forms of overpayment but to give some examples:

- The recent story of AWS using serverless for video processing comes to mind [1].

- Google is renowned for rest and vest.

- Many government jobs pay more than their private counterparts.

- Military contractors

- Most of the healthcare industry

- Lobbyists

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35811741

replies(1): >>42156159 #
1. johnisgood ◴[] No.42156159{4}[source]
In terms of healthcare industry in Hungary: one worker does the same job for 700 USD a month and another for 1100 USD, the only difference is formal education and years worked in the industry. You can perform much better (by actually caring about the patients in those 12 hours you work) but you will get paid the same amount regardless. Of course if you have 3 kids (whether they are adults or not) then you do not pay taxes (or much less than someone who does not have kids or only has 2).