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492 points storf45 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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walrushunter ◴[] No.42154141[source]
I'm an engineering manager at a Fortune 500 company. The dumbest engineer on our team left for Netflix. He got a pay raise too.

Our engineers are fucking morons. And this guy was the dumbest of the bunch. If you think Netflix hires top tier talent, you don't know Netflix.

replies(30): >>42154160 #>>42154170 #>>42154176 #>>42154207 #>>42154212 #>>42154215 #>>42154217 #>>42154219 #>>42154225 #>>42154276 #>>42154278 #>>42154295 #>>42154314 #>>42154327 #>>42154373 #>>42154379 #>>42154399 #>>42154413 #>>42154440 #>>42154466 #>>42154547 #>>42154591 #>>42154596 #>>42154612 #>>42154786 #>>42154904 #>>42154925 #>>42155154 #>>42156451 #>>42157645 #
Lammy ◴[] No.42154295[source]
I hope to never have a manager who is mentally stack ranking me and my coworkers in terms of perceived dumbness instead of in terms of any positive trait.
replies(4): >>42154339 #>>42154894 #>>42154920 #>>42155176 #
1. bryanrasmussen ◴[] No.42154894[source]
dumbness is ranking intelligence, which is a positive trait, dumbness is just a metric for how often intelligence fails.

Example - the manager who started this sub-thread may be a pretty smart guy and able to accurately rate the intelligence of the engineers at his organization - but he had a minor momentary failing of intelligence to post on HN calling those engineers fucking morons.

You've got to rank how often the intelligence fails in someone to be able to figure out how reliable their intelligence is.