Companies aren't incentivized to eliminate false negatives in hiring (talented people getting overlooked), they just need to make sure there are no false positives (bad hires). I'm guessing it's probably rare for companies to think about the bigger picture, like the long term health of the economy and nation, where it's actually really bad if there are a bunch of really talented people that are being underutilized.
If I were interviewer, I'd probably do a coding assignment that builds on an already existing mini codebase, quarter or half day assignment (2-4 hours), with a strict time limit to turn it in by the end of the allotted time. It would test for someone's ability to read unfamiliar codebases, with the codebase being reasonably small for the little time that's available, and the ability to build features on top of it, to write clean readable code compatible with the codebase, etc. And an a 30-60 minute more open-ended informal knowledge interview to gauge how knowledgeable the candidate is and where their strengths and weaknesses are. And previous work would probably be a good indicator, like open source work and/or previous job experience.