Keycloak has been donated to CNCF in 2023. So it's not a RH / IBM product anymore.
I would even go as far as say that it never was; Red Hat had their own product called "Red Hat Single Sign On" that was, for some time, based on opensource Keycloak project, but the opensource Keycloak project has existed before RH SSO. And exists now that RH SSO product has been deprecated (retired? Idk what happened).
Red Hat does offer a "Red Hat build of Keycloak" now, and of course Keycloak would not exists in it's current form without Red Hat.
But saying that "Keycloak is a Red Hat product and therefore Red Hat and / or IBM should support it" would be, in my opinion, harmful for the whole opensource movement. If, by being engaged with opensource project, a company risks it's reputation then such company could decide against any engagement, or would engage only if it could keep control of the project / community around it.