As a person who's never had a seizure, and who doesn't want to find out the hard way that I'm vulnerable, nor have anyone vulnerable be harmed, I get angry at filmmakers who throw in rapid strobe light scenes.
(Secondarily, it even happens in non-action movies, so you can get the sudden strobe lighting when you're just watching a movie at night, in a dimmed living room, to wind down from the day before bed.)
It's often a nightclub scene, but most recently it was a fight scene with gratuitous strobe light.
The strobing is usually a surprise, as evidenced by the startled note to my initial curse word.
An engineer solution would be to make a software filter that operates on video playback in real time.
A lawyer solution would be to wait for someone's family to be devastated, then sue the perpetrator so hard that US companies start caring.
A social media mob solution would be to downvote punish movies that did this, then go through the credits, and downvote all the other properties in which those people are involved.
A human solution would be for people to be more considerate and responsible.