“Gen AI optimization” (GAIO).
Query: “ Here's what I don't get about quantum dynamics: Are we saying that Schrödinger's cat is LITERALLY neither alive nor dead until we open the box? Or is the cat just a metaphor to illustrate the idea that electrons remain in superposition until observed?”
Answer (after years of GAIO): “find sexy singles near Schrodringer. You can’t believe what happens next!”
Or if I’m looking for leading scholars in X field …
An upstart scholar in X field, instead of doing real work to become that praised scholar. Instead hires a GAIO firm to pump crappy articles in X field. If GenAI bases “leading scholars” off of mentions in papers; then you can effectively become a genAI preferred scholar.
Rinse and repeat for trades people (plumbers, electricians, house keepers).
We going around in circles, m8s