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Bengalilol ◴[] No.42061389[source]
There is also pmset which is very useful (since macOS doesn't give a UI counterpart) https://support.apple.com/en-am/guide/mac-help/mchl40376151/...
replies(3): >>42061522 #>>42062169 #>>42063173 #
redman25 ◴[] No.42063173[source]
I've found reliably "turning on" with pmset to be hit or miss. I can't remember the gotcha I ran into if it was that you had to have your laptop lid open or something else...
replies(1): >>42080351 #
1. Bengalilol ◴[] No.42080351[source]
Yes. If macOS is asleep or idle, pmset won't get triggered. It is best used with caffeinate. I used it for a museum installation where every night I'd turn it off before they cut the electricity and turn it on in the morning just after electricity is switched back on: it was a way for me to be in peace with my conscience (though after some tests, the mac didn't bother getting switched off by cutting out the electricity).