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daneel_w ◴[] No.42064988[source]
A couple more:

    afconvert(1) - an audio file format converter, which includes Apple's superior AAC codec from the Core Audio framework

    diskutil(8) - tons of tools for fixed and removable storage

    afconvert in.wav -o out.m4a -q 127 -s 2 -b 160000 -f m4af -d 'aac '

    mb=300; diskutil eraseVolume APFS myramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((mb*2048))`
replies(6): >>42065488 #>>42066466 #>>42068656 #>>42068717 #>>42075363 #>>42076594 #
hk1337 ◴[] No.42066466[source]
How does that compare with ffmpeg? The arguments seem about the same.
replies(2): >>42067194 #>>42067397 #
krackers ◴[] No.42067194[source]
afcovert uses the superior inbuilt AAC converter. FFmpeg can do this as well with the right arguments but you have to dig them up and the quality is capped to a lower value than you can get with afconvert.
replies(2): >>42068952 #>>42084868 #
anthk ◴[] No.42068952[source]
There's no reason to use AAC when we have both OPUS and FLAC.
replies(2): >>42069139 #>>42080737 #
daneel_w ◴[] No.42069139[source]
I have three reasons: when using a good encoder (Core Audio, FDK or Nero) it's a quality-wise better lossy format than MP3, it's smaller than FLAC which matters for storage footprint, and unlike Opus and FLAC it's supported pretty much everywhere. At some point Opus will reach the same level of adoption and that's the point where I'll make the switch from AAC, because Opus is evidently a better lossy encoder per same bitrate.
replies(2): >>42077456 #>>42080774 #
anthk ◴[] No.42077456[source]
Opus is today in every smartphone. MP3's died. No one cares about AAC.

You are using Opus on most VoIP/call providers.

Meanwhile, AAC, MP3, OGG... are history today.

replies(1): >>42079172 #
1. daneel_w ◴[] No.42079172{3}[source]
> You are using Opus on most VoIP/call providers.

No. Opus support in the PSTN is still unfortunately almost non-existent. Adoption is growing but the pace is very slow. Source: me, working in the European telecommunications industry for over a decade, specializing in telephony and SMS.