(T.J. Miller driver's license photo routine)
After we had a particularly bad fight, after things cooled down and we were making up, she put a huge one on my neck. Like it looked like someone wrenched me with a baseball bat. Next day it was really bruised and looked horrible. I had to get my DL renewed and they took the pic with the bruise and all.
I got the same thing, bouncers and every time I had to present somewhere would get the "Ohhhhhhh bro, that is BAD!" which would then lead to other people clamoring to see it.
Genuinely asking, how does that qualify as "eep"? Is renewing onerous or expensive in Germany? I ask because in the US, renewing a license is usually cheap and done quickly online, except for about once a decade, they require a new photo (which itself doesn't take too long with an appointment).
We don't live in Germany so she has to get a swedish one now anyway.
Yes, it's been online since as long as I can remember. 25-ish years probably.
They can be used for land and sea entry to the US. They serve as ID on domestic flights and for I9 employment verification.
Many countries technically require you to always travel with national ID or require it for traveling on trains (since they have national IDs, unlike the US). But passports are bulky and American travelers have been taught to leave them in safes or buried in bags where they are hard to steal. A passport card can be kept on hand 24/7 in case a national ID is needed.
In the event you lose your actual passport after traveling abroad, they would save a ton of time at the embassy since you have a form of passport already on you. Compare this to the panicked alternative of trying to get a replacement with a photocopy of your passport (which standard travel advice says you should have for this reason) and somehow getting a birth certificate.