Why is your CNN not talking about that? Not fitting their narrative, mhm?
In this particular case, your claim has been promoted by conspiracy theorists, and is not true. What the video you posted does not show (because it's been carefully edited and has no audio) is that he was repeatedly asked by the police to leave. They're not giving him a "guided tour".
AP debunked it back when the Carlson broadcast that video:
Tucker Carlson is uses conspiracy theory and misinformation as a tool to stoke rage and undermine political enemies. He has portrayed abortion as human sacrifice, blamed hurricanes on abortion, denied man-made climate change, and is constantly caught in blatant and often ridiculous lies. Clearly his charm has worked on you, though, and I don't really know what else to say.
"Rebelse Belg trekt broek naar beneden in stemhokje"
Translation: Rebellious Belgian pulls down pants in voting booth
And when it comes to abortion, I do think it can be considered in some way or the other as human sacrifice, but again, that's not thanks to what you find charming in Tucker Carlson. I don't even like him too much, but he's got it right on many points. You call that a lie, fine with me. But I call it a lie that the forceful Capitol entering was a "storming", I still consider it pretty much staged by agitators, following a nice blueprint which has been played out in other countries, too.
And after all, you are boring calling those things conspiracy theories. This lolly has been eaten so many times, it's lost its taste already.