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gkfasdfasdf ◴[] No.42061451[source]
pbcopy and pbpaste are handy, for a version that works over ssh connections there is osc: https://github.com/theimpostor/osc
replies(4): >>42061773 #>>42064063 #>>42065164 #>>42072500 #
1. DvdGiessen ◴[] No.42072500[source]
Copying using OSC52 is great! I have a cross-platform shell function for that in my bashrc [1], as well as an implementation that works in vim [2].

[1]: https://github.com/DvdGiessen/dotfiles/blob/2c02332b4a657690... [2]: https://github.com/DvdGiessen/dotfiles/blob/2c02332b4a657690...