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837 points yen223 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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daneel_w ◴[] No.42064988[source]
A couple more:

    afconvert(1) - an audio file format converter, which includes Apple's superior AAC codec from the Core Audio framework

    diskutil(8) - tons of tools for fixed and removable storage

    afconvert in.wav -o out.m4a -q 127 -s 2 -b 160000 -f m4af -d 'aac '

    mb=300; diskutil eraseVolume APFS myramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((mb*2048))`
replies(6): >>42065488 #>>42066466 #>>42068656 #>>42068717 #>>42075363 #>>42076594 #
hk1337 ◴[] No.42066466[source]
How does that compare with ffmpeg? The arguments seem about the same.
replies(2): >>42067194 #>>42067397 #
daneel_w ◴[] No.42067397[source]
ffmpeg offers a few different encoders for many of its supported audio/video formats, and the result depends on what encoder you tell ffmpeg to use. It does not have support for using Core Audio on macOS but it does offer FDK AAC, which is one of the better AAC encoders available today - though not nearly as good as the one available in Core Audio.
replies(2): >>42068737 #>>42071269 #
1. satellitemx ◴[] No.42071269[source]
It does. -c:a aac_at uses Core Audio (_at means AudioToolbox).