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1. londons_explore ◴[] No.42068398[source]
They are presumably using the GPU for video encoding....

And the GPU for rendering...

So they should instead just be hooking into Chromium's GPU process and grabbing the pre-composited tiles from the LayerTreeHostImpl[1] and dealing with those.

[1]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:cc/...

replies(3): >>42068541 #>>42068566 #>>42068576 #
2. isoprophlex ◴[] No.42068541[source]
You'd think so but nope, they deliberately run on CPU, as per the article...
replies(1): >>42070083 #
3. mbb70 ◴[] No.42068566[source]
They are very explicit in the article that they run everything on CPUs.
4. orf ◴[] No.42068576[source]
One of the first parts of the post explains how they are using CPUs only
5. yjftsjthsd-h ◴[] No.42070083[source]
> We do our video processing on the CPU instead of on GPU, as GPU availability on the cloud providers has been patchy in the last few years.

I dunno, when we're playing with millions of dollars in costs I hope they're at least regularly evaluating whether they could at least run some of the workload on GPUs for better perf/$.

replies(1): >>42070543 #
6. londons_explore ◴[] No.42070543{3}[source]
And their workload is rendering and video encoding. Using GPU's should have been where they started, even if it limits their choice of cloud providers a little.