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vbezhenar ◴[] No.42058069[source]
Few additions.

open -n file.pdf : opens new instance of Preview application which is useful if you want to open the same file twice (for example to look at different pages at once).

caffeinate -d : prevents display turning off, useful if you want to look at display without moving mouse.

replies(9): >>42058131 #>>42059558 #>>42059666 #>>42060870 #>>42062814 #>>42064032 #>>42068484 #>>42068855 #>>42069659 #
hk1337 ◴[] No.42064032[source]
open -a "Finder" . - open Finder in the current directory.

Standard apps usually just need the name, like Finder and Safari but you can also specify the path "/Applications/DifferentFinder.app"

replies(5): >>42064242 #>>42065860 #>>42065896 #>>42066681 #>>42083045 #
1. ssttoo ◴[] No.42064242[source]
`open .` works for me too
replies(1): >>42064415 #
2. hk1337 ◴[] No.42064415[source]
Yeah, I scrolled a bit and noticed that. Never thought about using just that.
replies(1): >>42078197 #
3. 1-more ◴[] No.42078197[source]
Also `open -R path/to/file` opens Finder in the containing directory with the file highlighted (and thus scrolled into view). I use this with a script that takes a screen recording and trims some specified seconds off the end and converts it to mp4 to be smaller when I upload into a Github PR description. Easiest to drag and drop the converted file, y'see.