To be very pedantic: also the dropdown menu, when opened, looks very different than the original 98 style
To be very pedantic: also the dropdown menu, when opened, looks very different than the original 98 style
The style looks incredible accurate to what I remember, although there are some differences:
- The opened dropdown menu, as my parent suggested.
- I don't remember textareas being resizable.
- I remember stepped sliders had little marks indicating where each step is. Only continuous sliders (e.g., the one in the Windows volume control) had no marks.
- The tabs don't look like as I remember from Win95/98, these ones look more like Win 3.1. Too much padding, the border is too thick, and the border radius is too big.
- In tables, the headers looked like buttons because they were actually buttons (you could press them to sort the table). However, here they are not clickable.
It might be that it just happens to look bad on high resolution screens, and/or maybe some browser fractional scaling issue
As an example, one of the text fields on the page contains the word "Incredible". When zoomed in it looks fine, when zoomed at 100% the I and the n are stuck together to each other without any pixel in-between which is very ugly