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selectnull ◴[] No.42058087[source]
TIL: caffeinate

Very useful.

replies(5): >>42058262 #>>42058366 #>>42058643 #>>42060502 #>>42063310 #
vallode ◴[] No.42058262[source]
Indeed, many applications I would expect to prevent sleeping (some audio playback ones, games, etc.) don't implement this. I assume it's a case of Apple's APIs changing over the years and not everyone catching up/caring. At one point I had downloaded Amphetamine[^1] but it is much nicer to just use the terminal here.

[^1]: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amphetamine/id937984704

replies(2): >>42058327 #>>42058509 #
1. galad87 ◴[] No.42058509[source]
The "newest" and still supported low level API is almost 14 years old: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/kiopmasserti... https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/kiopmasserti...