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fjfaase ◴[] No.41891068[source]
As some who has a dis-harmonic intelligence profile, this has been obvious for a very long time. In the family of my mother there are several individuals struggling with language while excelling in the field of exact sciences. I very strongly suspect that my non-verbal (performal) IQ is much higher (around 130) than my verbal IQ (around 100). I have struggled my whole life to express my ideas with language. I consider myself an abstract visual thinker. I do not think in pictures, but in abstract structures. During my life, I have met several people, especially among software engineers, who seem to be similar to me. I also feel that people who are strong verbal thinkers have the greatest resistance against idea that language is not essential for higher cognitive processes.
replies(8): >>41891193 #>>41891928 #>>41892035 #>>41892129 #>>41893304 #>>41894530 #>>41896097 #>>41907543 #
tines ◴[] No.41892035[source]
> As some who has a dis-harmonic intelligence profile, this has been obvious for a very long time. In the family of my mother there are several individuals struggling with language while excelling in the field of exact sciences. I very strongly suspect that my non-verbal (performal) IQ is much higher (around 130) than my verbal IQ (around 100)

I used to rationalize to myself along similar lines for a long time, then I realized that I'm just not as smart as I thought I was.

replies(3): >>41893313 #>>41895632 #>>41895754 #
NemoNobody ◴[] No.41893313[source]
I'm a brilliant genius according to IQ tests. Think me arrogant or conceited or whatever - that is literally the truth, fact - proven many times in the educational system (I was homeschooled and didn't follow any sort of curriculum and was allowed to do whatever I wanted bc I kept testing higher than almost everyone) and just for kicks also - the last time I took an IQ test I was in my late 20s and a friend and I had a bet about who could score higher completely stoned off of our ass. We rolled enough blunts apiece that we could be continuously smoking marijuana as we took the IQ test, which followed several bongs finished between the two of us. I was so high that I couldn't keep the numbers straight on one of the number pattern questions - it was ridiculous. I scored 124, my lowest "serious" attempt ever - all of this is 100% true. I need anyone to believe me - take this how you will but I have an opinion that is a bit different.

I'm brilliant - I've read volumes of encyclopedias, my hobbies include comparative theology, etymology, quantum mechanics and predicting the future with high accuracy (I only mention stuff I'm certain of tho ;) but so much so it disturbs my friends and family.

The highest I scored was in the 160s as a teenager but I truly believe they were over compensating for my age - only as an adult have I learned most children are stupid and they maybe in fact didn't over compensate. I am different than anyone else I've ever personally met - I fundamentally see the world different.

All of that is true but that's a rather flawed way of assessing intelligence - fr. I'm being serious. The things we know can free us as much as they can trap us - knowledge alone doesn't make a man successful, wealthy, happy or even healthy - I'm living evidence of this. That doesn't cut it as a metric for prediction of much. There are other qualities that are far more valuable in the societal sense.

Every Boss I've ever worked for has been dumber than me - each one I've learned invaluable stuff from. I was a boss once - in my day I owned and self taught/created an entire social network much like FB was a few years ago, mine obviously didn't take off and now I'm a very capable bum. Maybe someday something I'm tinkering with will make me millions but prolly not, for many reasons, I could write books if I wanted ;)

At the end of the day, the facts are what they are - there is an optimal level of intelligence that is obviously higher than the bottom but is nowhere near the top tier, very likely near that 100 IQ baseline. What separates us all is our capabilities - mostly stuff we can directly control, like learning a trade.

A Master Plumber is a genius plumber by another name and that can and obviously is most often, learned genius. What you sus about yourself is truth - don't doubt that. No IQ test ever told me I lacked the tenacity of the C average student that would employ me someday - they can't actually measure the extent of our dedicated capacity.

I kno more than most people ever have before or rn presently - I don't know as much about plumbing as an apprentice with 2 years of a trade school dedicated to plumbing and a year or two of experience in the field, that's the reality of it. I could learn the trade - I could learn most every trade, but I won't. That's life. I can tell you how you the ancients plumbed bc that piqued my curiosity and I kno far more about Roman plumbing than I do how a modern city sewer system works. That's also life.

It isn't what we kno or how fast we can learn it - it's what we do that defines us.

Become more capable if you feel looked down on - this is the way bc even if what you hone your capabilities of can be replicated by others most won't even try.

That's my rant about this whole intelligence perception we currently have as a society. Having 100 IQ is nowhere near the barrier that having 150 IQ is.

Rant aside, to the article - how isn't this obvious? I mean feelings literally exist - not just the warm fuzzy ones, like the literal feeling of existence. Does a monkey's mind require words to interpret pain or pleasure for example. Do I need to know what "fire" or "hot" is in a verbal context to sufficiently understand "burn" - words exists to convey to to others what doesn't need to be conveyed to us. That's their function. Communication. To facilitate communication with our social brethren we adopt them fundamentally as our Lego blocks for understanding the world - we pretend that words comprising language are the ideas themselves. A banana is a - the word is the fruit, they are the same in our minds but if I erase the word banana and all it's meaning of the fruit and I randomly encounter a banana - I still can taste it. No words necessary.

Also, you can think without words, deliberately and consciously - even absentmindedly.

And LLMs can't reason ;)

Truthfully, the reality is that a 100 IQ normal human is far more capable than any AI I've been given access to - in almost every metric I attempted to asses I ultimately didn't even bother as it was so obvious that humans are functionally superior.

When AI can reason - you, and everyone else, will kno it. It will be self evident.

Anyways, tldr: ppl are smarter than given credit for, smarter and much more capable - IQ is real and matters but far less than we are led to believe. People are awesome - the epitome of biological life on Earth and we do a lot of amazing things and anyone can be amazing.

I hate it when the Hacker News collective belittles itself - don't do that. I rant here bc it's one of the most interesting places I've found and I care about what all of you think far more than I care about your IQ scores.

replies(5): >>41894044 #>>41894131 #>>41894647 #>>41895081 #>>41895686 #
1. fallingknife ◴[] No.41894044{3}[source]
> predicting the future with high accuracy

You can't do this. It's not a matter of IQ, it's a matter of math. Higher order effects are essentially impossible to predict because the level of detail you need to know the initial conditions in is not possible. Even in simple systems where all the rules are known like a billiards table. Furthermore, if you could do this, you would be a billionaire by now just from trading the stock market. This claim alone makes me doubt the rest of your comment.

replies(1): >>41905228 #
2. NemoNobody ◴[] No.41905228[source]
I absolutely agree that predicting the future has nothing to do with IQ - not directly. I'm not suggest that I have a formula or specific process that reveals to me what will happen - actually, it's the opposite.

It's an intuitive process. Almost always the most likely things that can will be what happens - the top 3 most likely outcomes of whatever will almost always contain the thing that does happen but that list must be generated adequately, factoring in the system, players and rules of whatever it is - for example: "at work" , "co-workers" , "who gets a promotion" - the most deserving person only might get the promotion, what the Boss wants is the actual key factor for predicting that outcome.

I rarely reply to replies - to make myself even more conceited, I'm not suggesting that you should feel special or anything, I'm noting this bc you've hit a button of mine - as knowing what will happen before it does is both one of my favorite things to do and an almost natural function of my experience at this point. Not everything can be predicted and I'm not talking like "on x date x will happen exactly" - not typically, there are exceptions. I've never been able to adequately explain this but I will attempt bc I think everyone can do this to some extent.

IQ factors in bc I'm able to do this bc I have an encyclopedia in my head that I am constantly updating as much as I am able - all the time, everyday constantly adding data to a "hard drive" that has so many files I honestly don't even kno what's all there at this point - I don't even try.

Almost everything I've ever read, almost every concept I've actually thought about (highdeas or altered state ponderings included) and everything I've written out by hand is still inside my head rn and I can retrieve if I need it - I unlock it with passion of all things, for example were we to have a heated debate about the Roman Empire during the course of our conversation everything I've ever learned about Rome would come back to me - to the point I could quote professor's lectures verbatim or quote off encyclopedia entries that support my argument exactly from the copy that exists inside my head. I have to be into it for it to work.

Anyways, back to the future ;)

If your correctly identify the parameters of any given situation and you can account for what people want - the intent behind their actions, what motivates them, you will see that their desires, the chain of causation and what is actually possible incredibly narrows down the actual possibilities from the "anything can happen" point of view to one where the next event in the chain is rather obvious.

So, your right - I can't do it Fr and I literally make assumptions, inferences and operate off of hypothetical data often - and more often than not I am able to predict what will happen with high accuracy.

That works bc all people are essentially the same and we all have the same underlying motivations regardless of all demographic factors.

Meh, this could be a book.

To another point of yours - I've made others an incredible amount of money in the stock market and cryptocurrency. I've never been very motivated by money. I think your Buffets, Musks and Bezos have mental disorders and I don't envy their obsession in the slightest.

This was fun :)

Have an awesome day!