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306 points carlos-menezes | 31 comments | | HN request time: 0.256s | source | bottom
1. Tempest1981 ◴[] No.41891085[source]
From September:

QUIC is not quick enough over fast internet ( (327 comments)

replies(2): >>41891107 #>>41893876 #
2. lysace ◴[] No.41891107[source]
My personal takeaway from that: Perhaps we shouldn't let Google design and more or less unilaterally dictate and enforce internet protocol usage via Chromium.

Brave/Vivaldi/Opera/etc: You should make a conscious choice.

replies(3): >>41891197 #>>41891355 #>>41891374 #
3. vlovich123 ◴[] No.41891197[source]
So because the Linux kernel isn’t as optimized for QUIC as it has been for TCP we shouldn’t design new protocols? Or it should be restricted to academics that had tried and failed for decades and would have had all the same problems even if they succeeded? And all of this only in a data center environment really and less about the general internet Quic was designed for?

This is an interesting hot take.

replies(1): >>41891219 #
4. lysace ◴[] No.41891219{3}[source]
I'm struggling to parse my comment in the way you seem to think it did. In what way did or would my comment restrict your ability to design new protocols? Please explain.
replies(1): >>41892122 #
5. GuB-42 ◴[] No.41891355[source]
Maybe, but QUIC is not bad as a protocol. The problem here is that OSes are not as well optimized for QUIC as they are for TCP. Just give it time, the paper even has suggestions.

QUIC has some debatable properties, like mandatory encryption, or the use of UDP instead of being a protocol under IP like TCP, but there are good reasons for it, related to ossification.

Yes, Google pushed for it, but I think it deserves its approval as a standard. It is not perfect but it is practical, they don't want another IPv6 situation.

6. ratorx ◴[] No.41891374[source]
Having read through that thread, most of the (top) comments are somewhat related to the lacking performance of the UDP/QUIC stack and thoughts on the meaningfulness of the speeds in the test. There is a single comment suggesting HTTP/2 was rushed (because server push was later deprecated).

QUIC is also acknowledged as being quite different from the Google version, and incorporating input from many different people.

Could you expand more on why this seems like evidence that Google unilaterally dictating bad standards? None of the changes in protocol seem objectively wrong (except possibly Server Push).

Disclaimer: Work at Google on networking, but unrelated to QUIC and other protocol level stuff.

replies(1): >>41891400 #
7. lysace ◴[] No.41891400{3}[source]
> Could you expand more on why this seems like evidence that Google unilaterally dictating bad standards?

I guess I'm just generally disgusted in the way Google is poisoning the web in the worst way possible: By pushing ever more complex standards. Imagine the complexity of the web stack in 2050 if we continue to let Google run things. It's Microsoft's old embrace-extend-and-extinguish scheme taken to the next level.

In short: it's not you, it's your manager's manager's manager's manager's strategy that is messed up.

replies(3): >>41891503 #>>41891552 #>>41894048 #
8. bawolff ◴[] No.41891503{4}[source]
> It's Microsoft's old embrace-extend-and-extinguish scheme taken to the next level.

It literally is not.

replies(1): >>41891506 #
9. lysace ◴[] No.41891506{5}[source]

Edit: I'm not the first person to make this comparison. Witness the Chrome section in this article:,_extend,_and_extinguis...

replies(2): >>41891571 #>>41891590 #
10. ratorx ◴[] No.41891552{4}[source]
This is making a pretty big assumption that the web is perfectly fine the way it is and never needs to change.

In reality, there are perfectly valid reasons that motivate QUIC and HTTP/2 and I don’t think there is a reasonable argument that they are objectively bad. Now, for your personal use case, it might not be worth it, but that’s a different argument. The standards are built for the majority.

All systems have tradeoffs. Increased complexity is undesirable, but whether it is bad or not depends on the benefits. Just blanket making a statement that increasing complexity is bad, and the runaway effects of that in 2050 would be worse does not seem particularly useful.

replies(1): >>41891586 #
11. bawolff ◴[] No.41891571{6}[source]
Well it may be possible to make the comparison in other things google does (they have done a lot of things) it makes no sense for quic/http3.

What are they extending in this analogy? Http3 is not an extension of http. What are they extinguishing? There is no plan to get rid of http1/2, since you still need it in lots of networks that dont allow udp.

Additionally, its an open standard, with an rfc, and multiple competing implementations (including firefox and i believe experimental in safari). The entire point of embrace, extend, extinguish is that the extension is not well specified making it dufficult for competitors to implement. That is simply not what is happening here.

replies(1): >>41891709 #
12. lysace ◴[] No.41891586{5}[source]
Nothing is perfect. But gigantic big bang changes (like from HTTP 1.1 to 2.0) enforced by a browser mono culture and a dominant company with several thousands of individually well-meaning Chromium software engineers like yourself - yeah, pretty sure that's bad.
replies(1): >>41891762 #
13. ratorx ◴[] No.41891590{6}[source]
Contributing to an open standard seems to be the opposite of the classic example.

Assume that change X for the web is positive overall. Currently Google’s strategy is to implement in Chrome and collect data on usefulness, then propose a standard and have other people contribute to it.

That approach seems pretty optimal. How else would you do it?

replies(1): >>41891628 #
14. ratorx ◴[] No.41891648{8}[source]
How does this have any relevance to my comment?
replies(1): >>41891655 #
15. lysace ◴[] No.41891655{9}[source]
How does your comment have any relevance to what we are discussing throughout this thread?
16. lysace ◴[] No.41891709{7}[source]
What I meant with Microsoft's Embrace, extend, and extinguish (EEE) scheme taken to the next level is what Google has done to the web via Chromium:

They have several thousand C++ browser engineers (and as many web standards people as they could get their hands on, early on). Combined with a dominant browser market share, this has let them dominate browser standards, and even internet protocols. They have abused this dominant position to eliminate all competitors except Apple and (so far) Mozilla. It's quite clever.

replies(3): >>41891918 #>>41892178 #>>41893616 #
17. jsnell ◴[] No.41891762{6}[source]
Except that HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 was not a big bang change on the ecosystem level. No server or browser was forced to implement HTTP/2 to remain interoperable[0]. I bet you can't point any of this "enforcement" you claim happened. If other browser implemented HTTP/2, it was because they thought that the benefits of H2 outweighed any downsides.

[0] There are non-browser protocols that are based on H2 only, but since your complaint was explicitly about browsers, I know that's not what you had in mind.

replies(1): >>41891785 #
18. lysace ◴[] No.41891785{7}[source]
You are missing the entire point: Complexity.

It's not your fault, in case you were working on this. It was likely the result a strategy thing being decided at Google/Alphabet exec level.

Several thousand very competent C++ software engineers don't come cheap.

replies(1): >>41891904 #
19. jsnell ◴[] No.41891904{8}[source]
I mean, the reason I was discussing those specific aspects is that you're the one brought them up. You made the claim about how HTTP/2 was a "big bang" change. You're the one who made the claim that HTTP/2 was enforced on the ecosystem by Google.

And it seems that you can't support either of those claims in any way. In fact, you're just pretending that you never made those comments at all, and have once again pivoted to a new grievance.

But the new grievance is equally nonsensical. HTTP/2 is not particularly complex, and nobody on either the server or browser side was forced to implement it. Only those who thought the minimal complexity was worth it needed to do it. Everyone else remained fully interoperable.

I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from here, to be honest. Like, is your belief that there are no possible tradeoffs here? Nothing can ever justify even such minor amounts of complexity, no matter how large the benefits are? Or do you accept that there are tradeoffs, and are "just" disagree with every developer who made a different call on this when choosing whether to support HTTP/2 in their (non-Google) browser or server?

replies(1): >>41891920 #
20. jauntywundrkind ◴[] No.41891918{8}[source]
Microsoft just did shit, whatever they wanted. Google has worked with all the w3c committees and other browsers with tireless commitment to participation, with endless review.

It's such a tired sad trope of people disaffected with the web because they can't implement it by themselves easily. I'm so exhausted by this anti-progress terrorism; the world's shared hypermedia should be rich and capable.

We also see lots of strong progress these days from newcomers like Ladybird, and Servo seems gearing up to be more browser like.

replies(1): >>41891955 #
21. lysace ◴[] No.41891920{9}[source]
Edit: this whole comment is incorrect. I was really thinking about HTTP 3.0, not 2.0.

HTTP/2 is not "particularly complex?" Come on! Do remember where we started.

> I'm not entirely sure where you're coming from here, to be honest. Like, is your belief that there are no possible tradeoffs here? Nothing can ever justify even such minor amounts of complexity, no matter how large the benefits are? Or do you accept that there are tradeoffs, and are "just" disagree with every developer who made a different call on this when choosing whether to support HTTP/2 in their (non-Google) browser or server?

"Such minor amounts of complexity". Ahem.

I believe there are tradeoffs. I don't believe that HTTP/2 met that tradeoff between complexity vs benefit. I do believe it benefitted Google.

replies(1): >>41892103 #
22. lysace ◴[] No.41891955{9}[source]
Yes, Google found the loophole: brute-force standards complexity by hiring thousands of very competent engineers eager to leave their mark on the web and eager to get promoted. The only thing they needed was lots of money, and they had just that.

I think my message here is only hard to understand if your salary (or personal worth etc) depends on not understanding it. It's really not that complex.

replies(1): >>41893552 #
23. jsnell ◴[] No.41892103{10}[source]
"We" started from you making outlandish claims about HTTP/2 and immediately pivoting to a new complaint when rebutted rather than admit you were wrong.

Yes, HTTP/2 is not really complex as far as these things go. You just keep making that assertion as if it was self-evident, but it isn't. Like, can you maybe just name the parts you think are unnecessary complex? And then we can discuss just how complex they really are, and what the benefits are.

(Like, sure, having header compression is more complicated than not having it. But it's also an amazingly beneficial tradeoff, so it can't be what you had in mind.)

> I believe there are tradeoffs. I don't believe that HTTP/2 met that tradeoff between complexity vs benefit.

So why did Firefox implement it? Safari? Basically all the production level web servers? Google didn't force them to do it. The developers of all of that software had agency, evaluated the tradeoffs, and decided it was worth implementing. What makes you a better judge of the tradoffs than all of these non-Google entities?

replies(1): >>41892192 #
24. vlovich123 ◴[] No.41892122{4}[source]
Because you imply in that comment that it should be someone other than Google developing new protocols while in another you say that the protocols are already too complex implying stasis is the preferred state.

You’re also factually incorrect in a number of ways such as claiming that HTTP/2 was a Google project (it’s not and some of the poorly thought out ideas like push didn’t come from Google).

The fact of the matter is that other attempts at “next gen” protocols had taken place. Google is the only one that won out. Part of it is because they were one of the few properties that controlled enough web traffic to try something. Another is that they explicitly learned from mistakes that the academics had been doing and taken market effects into account (ie not requiring SW updates of middleware boxes). I’d say all things considered Internet connectivity is better that QUIC got standardized. Papers like this simply point to current inefficiencies of today’s implementation - those can be fixed. These aren’t intractable design flaws of the protocol itself.

But you seem to really hate Google as a starting point so that seems to color your opinion of anything they produce rather than engaging with the technical material in good faith.

replies(1): >>41892260 #
25. Dylan16807 ◴[] No.41892178{8}[source]
> What I meant with Microsoft's Embrace, extend, and extinguish (EEE) scheme taken to the next level is what Google has done to the web via Chromium

I think this argument is reasonable, but QUIC isn't part of the problem.

26. lysace ◴[] No.41892192{11}[source]
Yeah, sorry, I mixed up 2.0 (the one that still uses TCP) with 3.0. Sorry for wasting your time.
27. lysace ◴[] No.41892260{5}[source]
I don't hate Google. I admire it what for what it is; an extremely efficient and inherently scalable corporate structure designed to exploit the Internet and the web in the most brutal and profitable way imaginable.

It's just that their interests in certain aspects don't align with ours.

28. bawolff ◴[] No.41893552{10}[source]
> I think my message here is only hard to understand if your salary (or personal worth etc) depends on not understanding it. It's really not that complex.

Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they don't understand you.

However, if you think google is making standards unneccessarily complex, you should read some of the standards from the 2000s (e.g. SAML).

29. bawolff ◴[] No.41893616{8}[source]
> They have abused this dominant position to eliminate all competitors except Apple and (so far) Mozilla.

But that's like all of them. Except edge but that was mostly dead before chrome came on the scene.

It seems like you are using embrace, extend, extinguish to just mean, "be succesful", but that's not what the term means. Being a market leader is not the same thing as embrace, extend, extinguish. Neither is putting competition out of business.

30. chgs ◴[] No.41893876[source]
QUIC is all about an advertising company guarenteeing delivery of adverts to the consumer.

As long as the adverts arrive quickly the rest is immaterial.

31. yunohn ◴[] No.41894048{4}[source]
This is one of those HN buzzword medley comments that has only rant, no substance.

- MS embrace extend extinguish

- Google is making the world complex

- Nth level manager is messed up

None of the above was connected to deliver a clear point, just thrusted into the comment to sound profound.