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201 points olvy0 | 103 comments | | HN request time: 0.442s | source | bottom
1. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41878416[source]
LINQ is so fucking useful and well designed feature of .NET ecosystem that it is unreal when you gotta use lang which doesnt have such a thing.

C# design team is/was unparalleled

replies(7): >>41878459 #>>41878543 #>>41878588 #>>41878686 #>>41879163 #>>41879194 #>>41879315 #
2. pjmlp ◴[] No.41878459[source]
LINQ is largely based on FP stuff, also how Smalltalk collections work.

It is relatively easy to find similar capabilities in most languages nowadays, unless one is stuck on Go, C and similar.

replies(7): >>41878547 #>>41878579 #>>41878702 #>>41878783 #>>41878792 #>>41878816 #>>41879057 #
3. munchler ◴[] No.41878543[source]
If you like LINQ, you should really give F# a try.
replies(1): >>41878591 #
4. sanex ◴[] No.41878547[source]
Do you know an equivalent for Linw to EF in kotlin or Java because I have not found it.
replies(2): >>41878638 #>>41878713 #
5. kumarvvr ◴[] No.41878579[source]
Any pointers to such libraries in python?
replies(1): >>41878736 #
6. mhh__ ◴[] No.41878588[source]
Maybe you've been unlucky but LINQ didn't really seem all that interesting to me using it.

It's pretty well put together but it was very hard to work out the patterns of what it was doing underneath e.g. I could not tell you now how to implement a custom IQueryable (I know where to look but couldn't tell you the rhythms of it) for some database and I am the type of person who usually does go and find that kind of thing out before using something for a "serious" project.

Maybe it's just a microcosm for C# as a whole - very productive language, good design team, quite hobbled by it's weird/philistine upbringings: Bjarne said within C++ there is a simple language trying to escape, in C# you basically have a simple language buried in nouns.

replies(4): >>41878661 #>>41878884 #>>41879002 #>>41879297 #
7. neonsunset ◴[] No.41878591[source]
F# is even better. I only wish performance wasn't hit or miss around sequences/iterator expressions. Hopefully one day it will reach parity with C# through compiler improvements and/or detaching FSharp.Core from conservatively targeting NS2.0 and modernizing it.
replies(1): >>41878682 #
8. stanac ◴[] No.41878638{3}[source]
Those are linq expressions. They are indeed wonderful. You get an abstract tree from which you can create SQL or API commands to access the data source. I remember in the early days (.NET 3.5?) there were multiple examples of LINQ2X like Linq2Csv, Linq2Rss Linq2Drobox (I'm paraphrasing, I don't remember actual examples, but it was wild).

There is also relinq library which transforms linq expressions into expressions which are easier to understand/use.

9. pjc50 ◴[] No.41878661[source]
> It's pretty well put together but it was very hard to work out the patterns of what it was doing underneath e.g. I could not tell you now how to implement a custom IQueryable

There's a lot hidden in there, but basically they expect you to use EF. Writing an IQueryable is a similar amount of work to writing a SQL query planner. You get passed a tree of Expression objects.

replies(2): >>41879320 #>>41880802 #
10. emn13 ◴[] No.41878682{3}[source]
I never really got over the order-dependent and fairly slow compile times, but it's been like 10 years since I used it for anything even slightly complex. Is F# better in this regard now, or are there accessible patterns to help deal with that?
replies(2): >>41878756 #>>41885720 #
11. hggigg ◴[] No.41878686[source]
LINQ is a veritable footgun in any large team I find. While it's extremely powerful and really nice, it's so so so easy to blow your toes off if you don't know what you are doing. Some of my favourite screw ups I saw:

* Not understanding when something is evaluated.

* Not understanding the computational complexity of multiple chained operations/aggregates.

* Not understanding the expectation that Single() requires exactly one of something.

* Not understanding how damn hard it is to test LINQ stuff.

replies(5): >>41878737 #>>41878748 #>>41878838 #>>41879379 #>>41879440 #
12. apwell23 ◴[] No.41878702[source]
No it isn't easy to find similar capabitites in java, go, python, ruby.

Maybe you do simulate some of this using meta programming in ruby but its certainly not 'easy to find'.

replies(2): >>41878746 #>>41879346 #
13. pjmlp ◴[] No.41878713{3}[source]
Rather quick search, as I am more of a myBatis person,



14. pjmlp ◴[] No.41878736{3}[source]
itertools would be the starting point, unfortunelly Python is rather limited due to the way it only supports one line lambdas.
15. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41878737[source]
>Not understanding the expectation that Single() requires exactly one of something.

Sorry, but idk how it is footgun of LINQ. It is like complaining about 0 or 1 based indexing

>Not understanding how damn hard it is to test LINQ stuff.

Any examples? Because I struggle to see such

16. pjmlp ◴[] No.41878746{3}[source]
It certainly is, unless you are talking about SQL like syntax, which is basically syntax sugar for classical FP.

And I explicitly left Go out of my list.

replies(1): >>41878887 #
17. pjc50 ◴[] No.41878748[source]
How much of that is LINQ-specific and how much is just the cost of using an ORM to build queries rather than typing them out as SQL?

I've never encountered testing problems with LINQ-to-objects.

18. munchler ◴[] No.41878756{4}[source]
Order-dependency is a feature, not a bug, but it does take some getting used to. If you really want to avoid it, you can now declare all functions in a module to be mutually recursive, so you can put them in any order. Cyclic dependencies between files are still prohibited, for good reason. See

The F# compiler is slower than the C# compiler, but it's still more than fast enough for building large applications.

19. blackoil ◴[] No.41878783[source]
One difference with LINQ is its ubiquity. It works with database, in memory data structures, on disk files. You can use your skills/code across all the system.
replies(1): >>41878827 #
20. jiehong ◴[] No.41878792[source]
I've found [0] for clojure, which maps the best IMO, but it also contains links to the same LINQ examples in other languages (java, kotlin, swift, elixir, python, ...).


replies(1): >>41879147 #
21. John23832 ◴[] No.41878816[source]
It's surprising that Go didn't ship with it, but given that they just added iterators, it's coming.

Rust has combinators, which is the same thing.

Most new languages are recognizing that functional support (even if they don't consider themselves FP languages) is necessary.

replies(3): >>41879028 #>>41879919 #>>41880179 #
22. John23832 ◴[] No.41878827{3}[source]
It's just built on top of anything that is Iterable. If a language has first class iterator support, they could do something similar.
replies(2): >>41878964 #>>41879023 #
23. John23832 ◴[] No.41878838[source]
I sort of agree. I recently had to code splunk a bug with 3 other engineers and we all got to a relatively complex LINQ and of the 4 of us, we all had 4 different interpretations when visually inspecting.

> Not understanding how damn hard it is to test LINQ stuff.

I disagree with this. Just run the LINQ query on a compatible iterable.

replies(2): >>41878892 #>>41879478 #
24. bazoom42 ◴[] No.41878884[source]
It is not rocket science to implement IQueryable but it is not trivial either since the API is optimized towards ease of use rather then ease of implementation. The Select and Where methods support arbitrary C# expression trees, so the implementation have to traverse the tree and throw errors if some expression cannot be translated to the underlying engine.
25. apwell23 ◴[] No.41878887{4}[source]
>unless you are talking about SQL like syntax

yes thats what linq is?

"Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language." With LINQ, a query is a first-class language construct, just like classes, methods, and events.

doing this in java is not LINQ imo

  List<Integer> lowNums = filter(toList(numbers), new 
  Predicate<Integer>() {
        public boolean apply(Integer n) {
            return n < 5;
replies(5): >>41879130 #>>41879238 #>>41879328 #>>41879460 #>>41879995 #
26. hggigg ◴[] No.41878892{3}[source]
Regarding the testing, it's more the sheer multiplicative number of cases you have to consider on a LINQ expression.
27. naasking ◴[] No.41878964{4}[source]
Mainly first-class functions I think. If you have those, you can just use fold in the core combinators.
28. justin66 ◴[] No.41879002[source]
> Maybe you've been unlucky but LINQ didn't really seem all that interesting to me using it.

Getting good use out of a tool you do not find interesting would mean a person was… unlucky?

replies(1): >>41882206 #
29. mythz ◴[] No.41879023{4}[source]
Takes a lot more than that, LINQ providers work by accepting a LINQ Expression Syntax tree instead of an opaque function, which allows providers to inspect and traverse the Expression's AST and translate it into the data source it's implementing.

This Expression AST is constructed by the compiler, not something that can be tacked on by a library later.

replies(2): >>41879354 #>>41879511 #
30. rw_panic0_0 ◴[] No.41879028{3}[source]
nah it's not coming, functions like maps and filters won't come to go by design, iterators are not only about FP stuff
31. whizzter ◴[] No.41879057[source]
Yes and no, the LINQ syntax being coherent between IEnumerable<> and IQueryable<> hides a lot of good magic.

IEnumerable<> is regular in-memory lambdas/streams, same what you find in many places.

IQueryable<> relies on the LINQ expressions, those CAN be JIT compiled for direct execution, but the fact that they are data-objects is what allows the translation to SQL and execution on the server rather than locally and can give massive gains since processing can be done where the data lives.

replies(1): >>41879229 #
32. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41879130{5}[source]
To be fair, 99% of linq usage is method chaining syntax, not query syntax
replies(1): >>41879292 #
33. nightski ◴[] No.41879147{3}[source]
The difference is many of those are dynamically typed languages. It's still useful, but a lot of the a beauty of LINQ comes from the fact that it is within a statically typed language.
34. highwaylights ◴[] No.41879163[source]
I’ll get started then end up on a rant but..

This is really the thing with the entire .NET stack that’s very hard to communicate. The standard library and framework design are so well thought out relative to anything else out there. More than that, the support within VS is beyond any other dev tool that exists for any other language - it’s not even particularly close. Edit-and-continue comes to mind, which despite how many times people confuse the two is not hot reload, and is wildly more productive and useful.

I remember back close to 20 years ago DHH was espousing Ruby/Rails and that the concept of types at all were a code smell, and thinking “you’re just very wrong, and clearly aren’t familiar with what else is out there”. Eventually a lot of that crowd moved to Node, then to typescript, and came around.

VS Enterprise (expensive as it is) had features 15 years ago that still seem magical when I show them to JS/TS folks now. IntelliTrace is one that comes to mind - there’s nothing remotely close to it’s snapshot debugging that I’ve seen anywhere else, and I’ve really looked.

The big problems with the ecosystem are that the docs are exhaustive but terribly boring, and not well explained from a learning-something-for-the-first-time perspective. They also really expect that everything you do is the Microsoft way, so if you’re trying to interface your code with something like an Avalonia UI, you’re on your own.

The language is absolutely wonderful though, even when used with Rider. The productivity relative to node/typescript is better enough that it crushes my soul having to go back to wrestling tsconfig and imports after working with .NET references for even small changes. So many of the little things I used to take for granted really just work, and work well. It’s just a wonderful piece of work executed over decades, held back by poor community outreach and badly written documentation.

replies(5): >>41879285 #>>41879444 #>>41879990 #>>41880563 #>>41882855 #
35. megadal ◴[] No.41879194[source]
It's just an API for JIT, basically metaprogramming. It's cool but you can definitely do a similar thing in pretty much every high level language.

With scripting languages, it's all JIT :)

The C# teams progress on this has been slow. Keep in mind the CIL bytecode has had such capabilities for at least 20 years now and only in the past like decade are we seeing more features and optimizations around LINQ and System.Reflection.Emit.

Dynamics were extremely slow in C# and if you look at the CIL generated you see why. It's possible for example to use something like a Haxe anonymous types[1] to optimize Dynamics so that CallSite caching is way more performant.

I am pretty sure in C# the only way to accept an anonymous type is as a dynamic value, so even though the type of the structure is well-defined at compile-time, it will still rely heavily on runtime reflection/DLR with no additional caching beyond what DLR does for any other dynamic type.

Anyways, this leads to niche libraries being built for handling dynamic data like JSON performantly.

Which leads to annoying things like .NET libraries/apps being incompatible (without some adapter) if they use for example, different JSON libraries under the hood. (See [2]).

Problems like these (the lack of actually good JIT/dynamic code support) in my opinion significantly slow down the .NET ecosystems development, that's why it always feels like .NET is just catching up with features other popular languages have.

To be fair though, much of C#'s lag is owed to Microsoft's contribution to .NET being mostly technical debt. Almost everything good that came out of .NET came from open source/non MS teams (like Mono).

[1] -

[2] -

replies(2): >>41879629 #>>41880572 #
36. whizzter ◴[] No.41879229{3}[source]
For reference, to achieve what IQueryable does with 100% normal code in JavaScript you need something like Qustar that was posted here a month ago.

Regular transform code in JS (Like IEnumerable)

const ids = users.filter(user => user.age<18).map(user =>;

IQueryable like to be transformed to the server:

const ids = users.filter(user => =>;

In C# it'd look identical, but in JS or Java this would be achieved via proxy-object hacks (the .lt() function in the filter instead of the < operator and the .id property getter for the user map to send a flag under the hood for the mapping function).

37. svieira ◴[] No.41879238{5}[source]
These days it would be

    var lowNums = -> n < 5).toList();
2024's Java is also quite a bit better than 2013's Java.

Which still isn't as nice as LINQ, but this way we've painted the alternative in its best light, not in the light that makes C# look the best.

replies(2): >>41879467 #>>41880381 #
38. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41879285[source]
Your experiences are coherent with mine.

Developer experience is far ahead any other technology out there.

Std lib and its API design is world class, I wish cpp had as good stdlib. Tooling is strong, especially debugger

39. apwell23 ◴[] No.41879292{6}[source]
LINQ = Language Integrated Query

Its even in the name. What do you mean by "method chaining is linq" ?

replies(3): >>41879342 #>>41879380 #>>41882948 #
40. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41879297[source]
> I could not tell you now how to implement a custom IQueryable

So what? I see LINQ used all the time, and it is almost entirely (extension) methods IEnumerable<T>

Could I implement IEnumerable<T>? I think I did once, as an exercise. It's not that complex. Not that interesting to be able to do it either.

LINQ is useful without EF. LINQ is not EF and EF is not LINQ.

41. ◴[] No.41879315[source]
42. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41879320{3}[source]
> basically they expect you to use EF. Writing an IQueryable...

I don't agree. I don't feel any expectation to use EF. It would not be relevant anyway to our code.

LINQ is not EF and EF is not LINQ. EF uses LINQ but not vice versa. LINQ is useful without EF.

The LINQ extension methods that we use constantly are on IEnumerable<T> so EF and IQueryable is of no importance to us, but LINQ is used everywhere.

replies(1): >>41880438 #
43. ygra ◴[] No.41879328{5}[source]
I guess the very fact that LINQ is so many things makes such discussions a bit annoying at times because everyone refers to a different set of features.

Is it the SQL-like query syntax? LINQ to objects? LINQ to SQL? Expression trees in general?

Expression trees and LINQ to SQL/EF/etc. are hard to find elsewhere. The query syntax often doesn't seem to be that big of a deal, especially since not all methods are available there, so pure query syntax often doesn't work anyway.

44. ygra ◴[] No.41879342{7}[source]
Considering the methods live in the System.Linq namespace, I think the extension methods may also be called LINQ.
45. svieira ◴[] No.41879346{3}[source]
There are easy ways to do some subset of what LINQ does in Java (using annotation processors), in Go (using generators), in Python (using double-underscore methods to capture all the operations the expression is working with at runtime, see SQLAlchemy) and in Ruby.

There isn't a seamless way to do what LINQ does in any of those languages. But if the runtime supports a LISP then you can do more than what LINQ does (Clojure for the JVM, something like zygomys for Go, Hy for Python, and ... well, Ruby for Ruby).

46. megadal ◴[] No.41879354{5}[source]
Yes, but I think the point is practically every high level language can already do this pretty trivially.

If it's scripted you can typically just get a string representation of the function.

If it's Java, JAR inspection/dynamics have been a thing for a long time. And in other languages, they usually directly support metaprogramming (like Rust) and plugging code into the compilation logic.

replies(3): >>41879513 #>>41879690 #>>41880343 #
47. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41879380{7}[source]
"var results = list.Where(x => x.Salary > 12345).Select(x => x.Name).ToList())"

Giant majority of ppl refers to this when talking about LINQ.

But yea, it is LINQ method chaining.

SQL like syntax is LINQ query syntax

replies(1): >>41879493 #
48. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41879379[source]
> * Not understanding when something is evaluated.

Linq is lazy. .ToList() reifies. there, that's the gist of what you need to know. Not hard.

> Not understanding the expectation that Single() requires exactly one of something.

eh? There are a bunch of these methods, Single, SingleOrDefault, First, FirstOrDefault, Last, LastOrDefault and you can look up and grasp how they differ. It's fairly simple. I don't know what the problem is, outside of learning it.

> Not understanding how damn hard it is to test LINQ stuff.

Hard disagree. LInq chains can be unit tested, unless your Db access is mixed in, which is not a LINQ issue at all, it is a database query testing issue. LINQ code, in itself, is easily unit testable.

49. jve ◴[] No.41879440[source]
Single gives you some guarantees about the returned value. Use First/FirstOrDefault if you don't need those guarantees. You can also provide predicate for FirstOrDefault to select First element that matches your predicate.

> Enumerable.Single Method - Returns a single, specific element of a sequence.

Some overload descriptions:

- Returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, and throws an exception if more than one such element exists.

- Returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception if there is not exactly one element in the sequence.

> Enumerable.FirstOrDefault Method - Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.

50. bob1029 ◴[] No.41879444[source]
Agree with all of this. I think the biggest problem with popularity around these tools is that they're too good.

When everything just works, you have a lot more time to focus on your problem. Once you can focus on your problem, you may quickly find out you don't actually care about it. Focusing on tools is a great way to hide from this reality.

51. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41879460{5}[source]
> yes thats what linq is?

The link that you gave says "LINQ is the name for a set of technologies" which includes the "SQL like syntax".

Includes is not the same as "is".

It isn't the most often used part of LINQ.

replies(1): >>41879503 #
52. Rohansi ◴[] No.41879467{6}[source]
One of the unfortunate pieces missing from Java's streams is the ability to easily extend them with additional operators. In C# they are all extension methods for the IEnumerable interface so you can add your own methods into the chain but that's not possible in Java.
replies(1): >>41880005 #
53. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41879478{3}[source]
> I recently had to code splunk a bug with 3 other engineers and we all got to a relatively complex LINQ and of the 4 of us, we all had 4 different interpretations when visually inspecting.

You can write hard to read code with any framework. Yes it takes effort sometimes to make linq code clear, but you should not give up on it.

54. apwell23 ◴[] No.41879493{8}[source]
> But yea, it is LINQ method chaining.

You mean like fluent interface?

What does this have to do with LINQ or C#. I remember doing 'method chaining' in 1990s .

replies(1): >>41879518 #
55. apwell23 ◴[] No.41879503{6}[source]
sure but you cannot just remove 'sql like syntax' and claim you can do linq in any language.
replies(1): >>41886462 #
56. Pxtl ◴[] No.41879511{5}[source]
Having used it since its inception, I've come to the conclusion that the SQL translator is kind of a misfeature. It creates so many weird bugs and edge-cases and tedium.

I love LINQ, I love having a typesafe ORM as a standard feature of C#, but the convenience of being able to reuse my Pocos and some expressions for both in-memory and in-SQL don't outweigh the downsides.

If I were designing SQL/LINQ today, I'd keep the in-memory record classes and in-database record classes distinct and use some kind of codegen/automapping framework for keeping them synched up. Maybe allow predicate operators to return things other than booleans so we could make `a == b` return some kind of expression tree node.

For ad-hoc queries using anonymous classes? Support defining an interface inline in a generic so you can say

    public T MyQuery<interface {string Firstname{get;set;}; string Lastname{get;set:}} T>();
Like, to elaborate, if you were doing some kind of JSON-based codegen (alternately you could do something where you have a separate hand-written POCO Model assembly and use reflection against it to generate your DbModel classes so it's still Code First). Yes, I know MS tried and abandoned this approach, I used LinqToSQL and EF3.5 and whatnot and suffered all that pain.

like, your master datatable file would be something like

    "tables" : [
      "persons" : {
        "dataRecordClass" : "DataRecordsNamespace.DbPerson",
        "objectClass" : "PocosNamespace.Person"
      "columns : {
        "PKID" : {
          "type" = "integer",
          "isPrimaryKey" = true,
          "isAutoGenerated" = true,
        "firstName" : {
          "type" : "nvarchar(255)",
          "allowNull" : true,
        "lastName" : {
          "type" : "nvarchar(255)"
          "allowNull" : false
which would generates something like

    public class DataRecordsNamespace.DbPerson : DbRecord {
      public DbPerson() { throw ThisIsAFakeClassException(); }
      public DbInt PKID{
        get => throw ThisIsAFakeClassException();
        set => throw ThisIsAFakeClassException();
      public DbNVarChar {
        get => throw ThisIsAFakeClassException();
        set => throw ThisIsAFakeClassException();

    public partial class PocosNamespace.Person {
      public AutoGenerated<int> PKID{ get; init; }
      public string FirstName { get; set; }
      public string LastName { get; set; }

    public class MyDbModel : DbModel {
      public DbTable<DbPerson> Persons => DoSomeLazyStuff();

    public static class MyDbContextExtensions {
      public static List<Person> Resolve(this DbQuery<DbPerson> dbPersons) 
        //call code to execute the actual query.
Am I making sense? Then you wouldn't have the problem of "oops I used an untranslateable method or member of Person", because MyDbModel can't have any of those. You'd lose the ability to to switch from whether a query is in-memory or in-database just by removing the ToList(), but I'd argue that's a misfeature, and better-handled by having some kind of InMemory implementation. Like, having DbQuery have a simple `.ToLocalMemory()` function that is a hint that the next part should be done locally instead of in the database would be a better way to do that. Then you could still do

    List<Person> myPersons = connection.MyDbModel
edits: fix some of the HN pseudomarkdown
replies(2): >>41879691 #>>41880535 #
57. mythz ◴[] No.41879513{6}[source]
If it were trivial you'd see LINQ-like providers implemented in "practically every high level language".

Source code of the function means you have to implement the parser/lexer to convert it into a usable AST which is bad for both runtime performance and library size.

Very much doubt this is available in Java, which Java ORM lets you use native Java language expression syntax to query a database?

replies(2): >>41879899 #>>41887222 #
58. high_na_euv ◴[] No.41879518{9}[source]
>fluent interface

Various names, same concept.

"fluent interface is an object-oriented API whose design relies extensively on method chaining."

>What does this have to do with LINQ or C#.

Check the name of the namespace where all those APIs like Where, GroupBy, etc. are implemented, it is "System.Linq"

So thats why majority of ppl think about them when talking about LINQ.

Query syntax has like less than 1% of the "market share" versus method chaining style

59. jeswin ◴[] No.41879629[source]
> It's cool but you can definitely do a similar thing in pretty much every high level language.

No. When it was release (circa 2007), very few mainstream languages embraced "Code as Data" the way C# did. In Java, there was no way to pass an expression (as an AST) to an SQL library. Which is why LINQ is so much more ergonomic than Hibernate. In C#, you could use language features you're already familiar with (such as " > 100 && < 200") in your queries, whereas Hibernate made you learn the framework's specific patterns (add Criteria etc etc, I don't recall now). Java just wasn't expressive enough for this.

In fact, you couldn't do this even today in a language like say Python or JS. I mean, not without running it through something like babel to get an AST, and having arbitrary rules on what's code and what's data. C# had this in the spec; based on whether it was IQueryable.

> Almost everything good that came out of .NET came from open source/non MS teams (like Mono).

My team adopted Mono very early - like in 2005. Your statement is not true at all. C# and the Framework was a very good spec irrespective of what Open Source / Mono did, and while Mono existing might have accelerated .Net's transition into Open Source, it would have happened anyway due to the definitive swing towards Open Source in the 2000s. Linq-to-SQL, Asp.Net MVC, EF etc didn't come out of Mono.

replies(1): >>41887330 #
60. mythz ◴[] No.41879691{6}[source]
Guess everyone has their preferred style, I personally avoid code-gen data models like the plague and much prefer code-first libraries.

Here's how you'd do something similar in our OrmLite ORM [1]:

    public class Person
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string? FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
Create Table:

    var db = dbFactory.Open(); // Resolve ADO.NET IDbConnection
    db.CreateTable<Person>();  // Create RDBMS Table from POCO definition
Execute Query:

    // Performs SQL Query on Server that's returned in a List<Person>
    var results = db.Select<Person>(x => x.FirstName.StartsWith("A") && x.LastName == "B");

    // Use LINQ to further transform an In Memory collection
    var to = results.Where(MemoryFilter).OrderBy(MemorySort).ToList();
Everything works off the POCO, no other external tools, manual configuration mapping, or code gen needed.


replies(1): >>41879863 #
61. eknkc ◴[] No.41879690{6}[source]
Wait what? Am I gonna include a source code parser and AST analyser to my JavaScript library for example, to examine the provided expression source and do this? This reads like the infamous Dropbox comment from when it first got released.
replies(1): >>41887194 #
62. Pxtl ◴[] No.41879863{7}[source]
My problem with this approach is that this falls apart if you write:

    db.Select<Person>(x => Regex.IsMatch(x.FirstName, "^A.*"));
This would fail at run-time instead of compile-time.

That's why I'd rather see the DB classes auto-generated with a mapper to convert them. Having the "master" be POCOs instead of JSON/XML/YAML/whatever isn't something I'm convinced on in either direction, but imho the in-database classes being not real POCOs is the important part because it reduces the the problem of somebody writing Person.MyMethod() and then blowing up because it's not a SQL function.

replies(1): >>41879948 #
63. pjmlp ◴[] No.41879899{7}[source]
jOOQ would be one such example,

Not that I use this, I am a myBatis person in what concerns database access in Java, and Dapper in .NET for that matter, not a big ORM fan.

And case in point most people use LINQ for in-memory datastructures, not the database part.

replies(1): >>41880000 #
64. pjmlp ◴[] No.41879919{3}[source]
Go culture is quite clearly against this kind of niceties.
65. mythz ◴[] No.41879948{8}[source]
Isn't this just `.StartsWith("A")`?

How would you perform this regex query with your code generated solution? What would have to be code generated and what would the developer have to write?

As there's a lot more features available in different RDBMS's than what's available in C# expression syntax, you can use SQL Fragments whenever you need to:

    var results = db.Select(db.From<Person>()
        .Where(x => x.LastName == "B")
        .And("FirstName ~ '^A.*'"));
replies(1): >>41882485 #
66. Nullabillity ◴[] No.41879990[source]
> IntelliTrace is one that comes to mind - there’s nothing remotely close to it’s snapshot debugging that I’ve seen anywhere else, and I’ve really looked.

67. pjmlp ◴[] No.41879995{5}[source]
I discovered someone stuff in Java pre-history days.

Because I am feeling nice, int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 23, 45}).filter(n -> n < 5).forEach(System.out::println)
68. mythz ◴[] No.41880000{8}[source]
This is a custom expression language to work within the expressive limitations of the language:
If Java supported LINQ you'd be able to use a more intuitive and natural Java expression syntax instead:

     .where(x -> x.publishedIn == 2011)
     .orderBy(x -> x.title)
     .select(x -> x.title);
replies(1): >>41880030 #
69. pjmlp ◴[] No.41880005{7}[source]
It is coming, it is called Gatherers, another approach, same result.
replies(2): >>41880273 #>>41903726 #
70. pjmlp ◴[] No.41880030{9}[source]
Java streams are what you're looking for.

If you insist in telling LINQ === EF, well that isn't what most folks in .NET use System.Linq for.

And back to the ORM thing, jOOQ is one way, there are others, and even if it isn't 1:1 to "from x select whatever" the approach exists.

replies(2): >>41880082 #>>41880971 #
71. mythz ◴[] No.41880082{10}[source]
> If you insist in telling LINQ === EF

I don't use EF, nor have I ever mentioned it.

You're replying to a thread about what it takes to implement a LINQ provider, which was dismissed as every high level language implements it with iterables, then proceed to give non-equivalent examples.

72. devjab ◴[] No.41880179{3}[source]
You can do functionality similar to LINQ with chaining as long as you don’t need to call a method with a generic different from the one defined. If you do need that, you’re going to have to do it without chaining. You can still do something similar but it’ll be a lot less elegant than how C# does it.

It’s part of the design philosophy of Go though. They don’t want any magic. It’s similar to why they enforce explicit error handling instead of allowing you to chose between explicit and implicit. They want you to write everything near where it happens and not rely on things you can’t see.

It’s probably the primary reason that Go is either hated or loved. I think it’s philosophy is great, a lot of people don’t. I have written a lot of C# over the years, so I’m a little atypical in that regard, I think most C# developers think Go is fairly inferior and in many regards they are correct. Just not in the ones that matter (come at me!). To elaborate a little on that, Go protects developers from themselves. C# is awesome when it’s written by people who know how it works, when it’s not you’ll get LINQ that runs in memory when it really shouldn’t and so on.

73. svieira ◴[] No.41880273{8}[source]
I'm a huge fan of Gatherers, lovely API!
74. jayd16 ◴[] No.41880343{6}[source]
Not that I agree it's trivial but even if it was, so what?

This just feels like sour grapes.

replies(1): >>41887202 #
75. apwell23 ◴[] No.41880381{6}[source]
i posted that example from a comment that linked to this repo

my point was that laguange support for sql like sytax is part of what makes LINQ linq. Java niceties is not relevant.

76. pjc50 ◴[] No.41880438{4}[source]
> IQueryable is of no importance to us

I was discussing IQueryable with someone else to whom it was important. In reply to

> I could not tell you now how to implement a custom IQueryable (I know where to look but couldn't tell you the rhythms of it) for some database

And "for some database" the default answer is "use EF" as the intermediary between LINQ queries and the database itself, rather than delving into IQueryable.

LINQ-to-objects is very important and useful but I was talking about something else.

replies(1): >>41886496 #
77. magicalhippo ◴[] No.41880535{6}[source]
Saw EF now supports custom SQL queries, so been considering that once we've moved to MSSQL (old db server isn't supported by EF).

We're quite accustomed to writing our own SQL select statements and would like to continue doing that to have known performance, but the update, insert and delete statements are a chore to do manually, especially for once you're 4-5 parent child levels deep.

replies(1): >>41883541 #
78. martindevans ◴[] No.41880563[source]
> Edit-and-continue comes to mind, which despite how many times people confuse the two is not hot reload

I'm certainly guilty of this! What's the difference?

replies(1): >>41883931 #
79. int_19h ◴[] No.41880572[source]
C# generics will handle anonymous types just fine. That's what lets you write stuff like `from ... select new { ... } where ...`.
80. christophilus ◴[] No.41880802{3}[source]
Back when I was primarily a C# dev, I used OSS lightweight ORMs which had LINQ interfaces. I also frequently used LINQ on in-memory structures. It's fantastic, and I never felt any need to use EF.

That said, C# / .NET shops did have a tendency to mindlessly buy into all sorts of terrible Microsoft enterprisey stuff. That drove me crazy and ultimately is what made me head out for greener pastures.

replies(1): >>41884884 #
81. recursive ◴[] No.41880971{10}[source]
IQueryable<> manipulation has other tools available to it than brute-force iteration, like streams do. Streams may be the closest thing java has, but it's still a fundamentally different thing.
82. mhh__ ◴[] No.41882206{3}[source]
Unlucky as in forced to write COBOL prior to C# or whatever
83. Pxtl ◴[] No.41882485{9}[source]
Yes, it's a trivial example. I'm not looking to support it, I'm looking to catch it at compile-time.

if "Person.FirstName" is a string, then that encourages users to use string-operations against it, which will fail if this expression is being translated to SQL for executing in the DB.

if "Person.FirstName" is some other type with no meaningful operations supported on it (which will get converted into a string when the query is executed) then it prevents many many classes of logic errors.

84. MainlyMortal ◴[] No.41882855[source]
Your comment about the docs is the real reason .NET/C#/F# isn't gaining any new users. The dotnet team should actually be embarrassed about this but it's clear they don't care so neither will anyone else. It's 100% quantity (slop) over quality for Microsoft. Their website and guides are terrible and irrelevant for both new and experienced devs.

Modern C# is probably the best general purpose language out there with the best tooling along with the dotnet framework. Too bad the guides and public information all align with the latest trends Microsoft are pushing to appear relevant. Blazor, MAUI, Aspire e.t.c. are all distractions to maintain the appearance of being modern. None of which are production ready or actually good for that matter.

Back to my original point. If you want to create a new web app then you're REALLY pushed to use Blazor, which is confusing, has many flaws, is basically alpha and is just a bad idea in general. For some reason you're shown a laughably simple guide spread over eight pages which could be a single page. You finish the "guide" and so you go to the "documentation". That documentation page is full of buzzwords that confuses new developers and belittles old developers. The end of this page links back to the pathetic guide. It's seriously like this for everything they do. There's tiny little nuggets of information scattered over thousands of useless pages.

I may sound blunt but it's a fantastic technology ruined by terrible management, poor communication and clearly the worst developer relations team any tech company has ever assembled. How can any company with this much money, this much recognition and this great of a technology fumble it so badly. Well... I actually do know why and it's obvious to anyone capable of critical thinking.

replies(1): >>41883987 #
85. Merad ◴[] No.41882948{7}[source]
LINQ is the name for the overall system. LINQ can be written using two different styles:

    // Method syntax
    var evenNumbers = numbers.Where(num => num % 2 == 0).OrderBy(n => n);

    // Query syntax
    var evenNumbers = from num in numbers
        where num % 2 == 0
        orderby num
        select num;
Method syntax and query syntax are both part of LINQ (query syntax is syntactic sugar). .Net developers tend to overwhelmingly prefer method syntax.
86. Pxtl ◴[] No.41883541{7}[source]
Quick word of advice when dealing with deep parent/child reloationships:

Do not use lazy loading feature. That way lies madness.

replies(1): >>41883854 #
87. magicalhippo ◴[] No.41883854{8}[source]
We're not doing that where we come from. All child tables have the main id so we can load the data for all child rows with just one query per child table, and we load everything at once.

We were planning on sticking with this, it has worked well so far, but good to know to avoid getting tempted by the alternative.

88. highwaylights ◴[] No.41883931{3}[source]
I’m simplifying this for brevity but: Hot reload is a concept whereby changes will be saved, if necessary compiled (in the case of compiled/JIT-ed languages), then whatever is pointing at the original source is run again automatically (a web page/an app screen/whatever).

Edit-and-continue allows for changing the code and then updating the output directly in memory without re-compilation or restarting the execution. It sounds similar but in practice it allows for much more rapid iteration and is profoundly more useful. If you’re pretty deep into an application or web app for example (e.g. added to basket -> checkout -> process payment) and are 30 or 40 calls deep in a stack and realise you’ve a simple bug or change to make, you can edit the code in memory, drag the debugger back to the line, re-execute it and move to the next statement. The benefits of this compound really quickly for anything more than trivial scenarios, so much so that I’ll often code directly in a debugging session as it’s just handier to have a full rewindable call stack right there for simple cases where I’ve forgotten a property name or need to correct and XPath or something.

The surprising thing is that this isn’t even new, VS has had this for at least 20 years (and I think 25 or more as i know VB6 had it. Yes I’m old.)

Edit: 27 years ago in VC++5 (1997).

replies(1): >>41887876 #
89. highwaylights ◴[] No.41883987{3}[source]
This really seems to be the problem - the developer relations seems to be comprised of non-developers.

The docs are clearly not written by engineers and it really shows.

It’s a shame too - MAUI should be excellent. Best-in-class even. They’ve had the most resources and best tech to throw at the problem and are a distant second at best to React Native. (It might see less use than Flutter these days I’ve no idea).

Also having the C# dev kit for VS Code be non-free is just insane. They’re actively giving the market over to node.

replies(1): >>41884187 #
90. neonsunset ◴[] No.41884187{4}[source]
As I keep having to repeat here ad-nauseam, DevKit is optional, you only really need base C# extension which is what provides language server, debugger and code completion capabilities. For VSCodium and non VSC-based distrubutions there's also a fork that packages Samsung's NetCoreDbg component instead of vsdbg.

You'd be right to point out that confusing README of these two does not do .NET any justice however.

91. grugagag ◴[] No.41884884{4}[source]
What are those greener pastures for you and do you still use C#?
92. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41886462{7}[source]
You can in fact ignore "sql like syntax" and find "similar capabilities" in many other languages. After all, most C# coders ignore the "SQL like syntax" in C# itself.

And when languages imitate features of a different language, they tend to go for the features that people like and use. No-one is going to add "similar capabilities" to the feature that no-one wants in the first place. People who say "C#'s LINQ is awesome!" just aren't talking about "sql like syntax", and people who say "without sql like syntax it's just not on the same level as LINQ" are misguided.

93. SideburnsOfDoom ◴[] No.41886496{5}[source]
My apologies, that reply of mine was a bit argumentative, without regard to which post I was arguing against.

Yes, I understand that implementing IQueryable is a beast, but let's not pretend that writing a database connectivity layer was a trivial, everyday activity before IQueryable. It's a specialised, tricky task. IQueryable may not make it easier, but it never was "easy" per se. Nor common, or usually necessary. Or something to do as an exercise "before using something for a serious project" as the grandparent post suggests.

YMMV as to how important IQueryable is to your code.

On the other hand, if you can write extension methods over "this IEnumerable<T> source" you can extend LINQ. IQueryable being complex is no barrier to that, in any way.

94. megadal ◴[] No.41887194{7}[source]
You could also bundle your JS. Or pretend like any number of other solutions like caching parsed ASTs exist instead of being as obtuse as possible, or something idk
95. ◴[] No.41887202{7}[source]
96. megadal ◴[] No.41887222{7}[source]
I mean they kind of are. You can find a library in almost every language that transpiles source code ASTs.

They're just not core features.

In Haxe, it's extremely common :) but Haxe is just one other high level language.

97. megadal ◴[] No.41887330{3}[source]
Have you ever read the source code for Microsoft's ilasm compared to Mono ilasm?

Anyway, EF is cool, but probably every .NET dev has an EF/LINQ performance related horror story (the generated queries are ridiculous).

A self compiling language is more impressive to me than ASP.NET MVC.

And C# is just lacking for what is actually capable in CIL bytecode. Or _was_ when I last used.

There have definitely been improvements, but in my opinion, they have just been kind of slow.

When I think of Microsoft's impact on .NET and it's culture, I think of stuff like SOAP, the SmtpClient, breaking changes in APIs every year and the technical debt left by it, the dogmatic fanboys, etc...

replies(1): >>41887809 #
98. neonsunset ◴[] No.41887809{4}[source]
ilasm is for manually writing IL-based programs in text format, a rather rare use-case. How is this related to LINQ?
replies(2): >>41894247 #>>41894277 #
99. martindevans ◴[] No.41887876{4}[source]
From your description it sounds like in-memory application state is lost with Hot Reload, but I don't think that's true? I admit might be wrong about this, it doesn't apply to Unity which is my main development environment.

Quoting from the docs (emphasis mine): > .NET Hot Reload applies code changes, including changes to stylesheets, to a running app without restarting the app and *without losing app state*

That sounds more like how you described edit-and-continue to me.

100. ◴[] No.41894247{5}[source]
101. megadal ◴[] No.41894277{5}[source]
It's related to MS contribution to .NET which is the subtopic of this particular thread.
replies(1): >>41894322 #
102. neonsunset ◴[] No.41894322{6}[source]
I don't see how it is related is relevant to this discussion. Is there a specific point you would like to make?

> probably every .NET dev has an EF/LINQ performance related horror story (the generated queries are ridiculous)

> There have definitely been improvements, but in my opinion, they have just been kind of slow.

> much of C#'s lag is owed to Microsoft's contribution to .NET being mostly technical debt. Almost everything good that came out of .NET came from open source/non MS teams (like Mono).

Do you actively use .NET (any modern target in the last, say, 3-4 years or so)?

103. Rohansi ◴[] No.41903726{8}[source]
Good that there's a solution coming up but it's not as nice as C# IMO. Gatherers are way more verbose both in usage and especially in implementation. In C# they can be written as generator methods which is a very intuitive way to work with streams of data.