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philipkglass ◴[] No.41841019[source]
Based on the headline I thought that this was an enormous capital commitment for an enormous generating capacity, but the deal is with a company called Kairos that is developing small modular reactors with 75 megawatts of electrical output each [1]. 7 reactors of this type, collectively, would supply 525 megawatts (less than half of a typical new commercial power reactor like the AP1000, HPR1000, EPR, or APR1400).

Kairos is in a pretty early stage. They started building a test reactor this summer, scheduled for completion by 2027:


EDIT: Statement from the official Google announcement linked by xnx below [2]:

Today, we’re building on these efforts by signing the world’s first corporate agreement to purchase nuclear energy from multiple small modular reactors (SMRs) to be developed by Kairos Power. The initial phase of work is intended to bring Kairos Power’s first SMR online quickly and safely by 2030, followed by additional reactor deployments through 2035. Overall, this deal will enable up to 500 MW of new 24/7 carbon-free power to U.S. electricity grids and help more communities benefit from clean and affordable nuclear power.

[1] https://kairospower.com/technology/

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41841108

replies(8): >>41841055 #>>41842094 #>>41842395 #>>41843875 #>>41844253 #>>41845537 #>>41845613 #>>41848283 #
ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41842094[source]
Would be extremely interesting to the the $/MWh for the deal to understand the viability.

Otherwise similar to the NuScale deal which fell through last autumn.

A PPA like agreement which then only kept rising until all potential utilities had quit the deal.

All honor to Kairos if they can deliver, but history is against them. Let’s hope they succeed.

> NuScale has a more credible contract with the Carbon Free Power Project (“CFPP”) for the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (“UAMPS”). CFPP participants have been supportive of the project despite contracted energy prices that never seem to stop rising, from $55/MWh in 2016, to $89/MWh at the start of this year. What many have missed is that NuScale has been given till around January 2024 to raise project commitments to 80% or 370 MWe, from the existing 26% or 120 MWe, or risk termination. Crucially, when the participants agreed to this timeline, they were assured refunds for project costs if it were terminated, which creates an incentive for them to drop out. We are three months to the deadline and subscriptions have not moved an inch.


replies(2): >>41842380 #>>41846359 #
credit_guy ◴[] No.41842380[source]
> All honor to Kairos if they can deliver, but history is against them.

History is not really against them. Our current reactors (mainly pressurized water reactors) are the way they are because Admiral Rickover determined that PWRs are the best option for submarines. He was not wrong, but civilian power reactors are not the same as the reactors powering submarines.

PWRs are expensive mainly because of the huge pressure inside the reactor core, about 150 times higher than the atmospheric pressure. For comparison, a pressure cooker has an internal pressure about 5 times higher than the atmospheric pressure, and such a cooker can explode with a pretty loud bang.

The Kairos Hermes reactor design is based on a design that was tested in the '60s, the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment [1]. While such a reactor can be used to burn thorium, Kairos decided to go with the far more conventional approach of burning U-235. The reactor operates at approximately regular atmospheric pressure. This should reduce considerably the construction costs.

Of course, there are unknowns. While the world has built thousands of pressurized water reactors, it has built maybe 10 molten salt reactors. For example one quite unexpected effect in the MSRE was the enbrittlement of the reactor vessel caused by tellurium, which shows up as a fission product when U-235 burns.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a very conservative organization, and they don't have much experience with molten salt reactors because nobody has. It took them 6 years to give NuScale an approval for a pressurized water reactor, design that they knew in and out. My guess is that they will not give Kairos an approval without at least 15 years of testing. But Google's agreement with Kairos is quite crucial to keep this testing going.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molten-Salt_Reactor_Experiment

replies(6): >>41843113 #>>41843300 #>>41843515 #>>41844374 #>>41846610 #>>41847860 #
cyberax ◴[] No.41843113[source]
> The Kairos Hermes reactor design is based on a design that was tested in the '60s, the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

MSRs are a costly distraction. They are not viable without literally hundreds of billions in research and development money. That's why all the MSRs startups are failing long before they even start the licensing process.

> For example one quite unexpected effect in the MSRE was the enbrittlement of the reactor vessel caused by tellurium, which shows up as a fission product when U-235 burns.

It was not unexpected. The _main_ issue with MSRs is that they have to contain fluoride salts that release elemental fluorine radicals as a result of radiolysis. So the reactor vessel walls will be eaten up by them, rather rapidly. Especially when reactors are scaled up to a level that makes them practical. And then you have all the fission byproducts that literally include almost all the Periodic Table.

replies(2): >>41844000 #>>41844329 #
Dylan16807 ◴[] No.41844329[source]
> They are not viable without literally hundreds of billions in research and development money.

The US produces 40000 billion kWh every decade, so that doesn't really seem that bad to me.

replies(2): >>41844399 #>>41844557 #
oblio ◴[] No.41844399{3}[source]
When solar and wind and sodium ion batteries are basically there and probably don't need as much investment and R&D (or it's happening anyway from 1000 existing funding sources), it's probably bad. Or at least unlikely to happen.
replies(3): >>41844618 #>>41845607 #>>41845643 #
cyberax ◴[] No.41844618{4}[source]
Sodium batteries theoretically should be cheaper than li-ion, but they are not yet there in practice. And they still won't solve problems with polar vortexes in the US or a month-long Dunkelflaute in Germany.
replies(3): >>41845409 #>>41846574 #>>41851978 #
atwrk ◴[] No.41846574{5}[source]
Dunkelflaute simply doesn't exist. It's clearly visible in the charts of the last years that wind and solar almost ideally complement each other in Germany. Why else do you think Germany managed to stay above 50% renewables for every single month this year so far? In which season is the mythical Dunkelflaute supposed to appear?
replies(1): >>41850176 #
cyberax ◴[] No.41850176{6}[source]
> Dunkelflaute simply doesn't exist.

Here's one: https://energy-charts.info/charts/power/chart.htm?l=de&c=DE&... - look at the dates between 2019-01-16 to 2019-01-25.

> It's clearly visible in the charts of the last years

I have just provided you an example. Want more? Here's another: https://energy-charts.info/charts/power/chart.htm?l=de&c=DE&... - the period between 2023-02-04 and 2024-02-08, then followed by 2023-02-12 to 2023-02-15.

But hey, it's all fake news. When the next Dunkelflaute happens, the citizens are supposed to just sit in their cold homes and think how great renewable generation is during the other times.

replies(2): >>41850796 #>>41856920 #
ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41850796{7}[source]
And here's the correlation coefficient between countries:


Like today we will need peaking capacity in the future, likely either based on hydrogen, synfuels or biofuels.

What we don't need is nuclear power plants which sit idle at all times unless there is a winter dunkeflaute across half of Europe.

replies(1): >>41850938 #
cyberax ◴[] No.41850938{8}[source]
> https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Correlation-coefficients...

The problem is, this is average. You _have_ to plan the grid for the worst case scenario. For Germany, the worst case is 1 month of straight Dunkelflaute. It's estimated to happen once in 100 years.

> Like today we will need peaking capacity in the future, likely either based on hydrogen, synfuels or biofuels.

It's not peaking capacity. It has to be more than 100% of the current capacity (once Germany switches to electricity instead of gas for heating). And it'll be mostly sitting idle.

> What we don't need is nuclear power plants which sit idle at all times unless there is a winter dunkeflaute across half of Europe.

Build nukes, remove wind generators. Problem solved.

replies(1): >>41852927 #
ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41852927{9}[source]
No grid is sized for the 100 year catastrophe. Then we need to make the same calculation for when half the French nuclear fleet was offline.

Consider an even worse issue and expect 80% to be offline for the 100 year catastrophe.


In reality we work with statistics. In for example Sweden the “reliability guarantee” is at most one hour of demand exceeding production per year.

That’s a reliability of 99.8%.

Building nuclear power plants would mean locking in enormously more expensive energy costs for everyone, stalling the green revolution in terms of electrification of industry.

This is the problem with nukebros, there’s no logic to the suggestions. Only a complete fixation on nuclear power as the solution to everything.

Which means widespread continued fossil use and energy crisis power cost for the general public.

But that’s a price you’re willing to pay as long as we spend trillions of dollars on subsidies of nuclear power.

replies(1): >>41853467 #
1. cyberax ◴[] No.41853467{10}[source]
> No grid is sized for the 100 year catastrophe.

Utterly wrong. Grids _are_ sized for that.

> Then we need to make the same calculation for when half the French nuclear fleet was offline.

French shutdowns were _planned_. Nobody died as a result, and it only cost more money than planned as a result of unlucky confluence of events.

> In reality we work with statistics. In for example Sweden the “reliability guarantee” is at most one hour of demand exceeding production per year.

You have it backwards. Sweden is ready to accept one hour of outage per year. Not more than that.

The failure scenario for Germany is not an hour of outage, but a month without energy. Leading to millions of people dead and a total economic collapse.

> This is the problem with nukebros, there’s no logic to the suggestions. Only a complete fixation on nuclear power as the solution to everything.

There's no fucking shame and zero self-reflection with you greenies.

Germany _wasted_ close to $500B on useless Energiewende and is still directly _subsidizing_ _new_ _gas_ _powerplants_. And it'll need to spend even more than that to have even a _hope_ of carbon neutrality, contingent on multiple speculative bets coming true.

Instead they could have used the same amount of money to build a completely carbon-neutral nuclear-powered grid. That would have been available by now. Using technology that was tried and tested in 2000-s.

replies(1): >>41853584 #
2. ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41853584[source]
They’re not. When considering the resilience of the Swedish grid a 10-year winter is used.

So maybe stop with the hyperboles?

Then a ton of post-fact reasoning for why it was actually fine that half the French nuclear supply was offline during the largest energy crisis in a generation.

Please get back to reality.

Wasted? For the first time since the Industrial Revolution we have found a new cheapest near infinitely scalable energy source: renewables.

Nuclear power was the last attempt, it never delivered on the promises.

I love how you say that it would be “available now” when Flamaville 3 started at the same time currently is 6x over budget and 12 year late on a 5 year planned construction timeline.

Germany would have had massive cumulative emissions when still waiting for nuclear power to come online.

But that’s the problem with you guys. You don’t care about emissions. It’s completely fine locking in fossil fuels for 20 years as we wait for nuclear power to come online.

And then in the next sentence you turn around denigrating even a single percentage of fossil fuels as we transition into a renewable grid, before said nuclear would come online.

It’s simply completely senseless. You’re making ridicule of yourself.

replies(1): >>41854836 #
3. cyberax ◴[] No.41854836[source]
> Wasted? For the first time since the Industrial Revolution we have found a new cheapest near infinitely scalable energy source: renewables.

For the _second_ time. The first time was with the nuclear power. Keep forgetting that, yes?

> Nuclear power was the last attempt, it never delivered on the promises.

France has an 8 _times_ less carbon-intensive grid than Germany. RIGHT NOW. Keep forgetting that, yes? They can go to carbon-neutral with fairly minimal changes.

> I love how you say that it would be “available now” when Flamaville 3 started at the same time currently is 6x over budget and 12 year late on a 5 year planned construction timeline.

Russia is finishing the Bangladesh nuclear power plant. On time and within budget. 2 reactors completely built within 10 years. If Russia can do that, other countries can certainly replicate that.

> Germany would have had massive cumulative emissions when still waiting for nuclear power to come online.

Germany is right now already _locked_ into future emissions for more than 20 years. Even freaking _coal_ (!) is not being phased out until 2038: https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/german-government-says-...

> And then in the next sentence you turn around denigrating even a single percentage of fossil fuels as we transition into a renewable grid, before said nuclear would come online.

Again, zero reflection from your side. Zero contrition, zero knowledge, and endless excuses.

France is literally the next door. Their carbon intensity for energy production is just 12% of Germany's. Right now. Germany in the best possible case won't be able to match that until 2040-s. In reality, it won't happen unless something magical occurs.

replies(1): >>41857264 #
4. ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41857264{3}[source]
Nuclear power never became cheaper. As evidenced by it's continued languishing only supported by subsidies.

Hydro power did, and is famously called "geographically limited" because we in short order exploited near every single river globally.

France made the right choice in the 70s in the name of energy independence and nuclear weapons. They did not care the slightest about emissions.

The equivalent choice in 2024 to nuclear power in the 1970s is renewables.

"Hurr durr my cherry picked reactor!!!"

While completely ignoring all western projects. The facts are: Flamanville 3 still haven't entered commercial operation and the projected was started at about the same time as energiewende.

Flamanville, HPC, Olkiluoto 3 and Vogtle are the successful western projects. The unsuccessful get stuck in financing limbo like Sizewell C because the needed subsidies are truly stupid.


You are proposing that Germany in 2024 should have emissions closer to Poland because you value building nuclear power above curbing emissions.

Lets do a thought experiment in which renewables somehow end up being wholly incapable of solving the last 20% of carbon emissions.

Scenario one: We push renewables hard, start phasing down fossil fuels linearly 4 years from now, a high estimate on project length, and reach 80% by 2045.

The remaining 20%, we can't economically phase out (remnant peaker plants).

Scenario two: We push nuclear power hard, start phasing down fossil fuels linearly in 10 years time, a low estimate on project length and reach 100% fossil free in 2060.

Do you know what this entails in terms of cumulative emissions?

Here's the graph: https://imgur.com/wKQnVGt

The nuclear option will overtake the renewable one in 2094. It means we have 60 years to solve the last 20 percent of renewables while having emitted less.

Do you still care about our cumulative emissions when any dollar spent on nuclear power increases them?