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philipkglass ◴[] No.41841019[source]
Based on the headline I thought that this was an enormous capital commitment for an enormous generating capacity, but the deal is with a company called Kairos that is developing small modular reactors with 75 megawatts of electrical output each [1]. 7 reactors of this type, collectively, would supply 525 megawatts (less than half of a typical new commercial power reactor like the AP1000, HPR1000, EPR, or APR1400).

Kairos is in a pretty early stage. They started building a test reactor this summer, scheduled for completion by 2027:

EDIT: Statement from the official Google announcement linked by xnx below [2]:

Today, we’re building on these efforts by signing the world’s first corporate agreement to purchase nuclear energy from multiple small modular reactors (SMRs) to be developed by Kairos Power. The initial phase of work is intended to bring Kairos Power’s first SMR online quickly and safely by 2030, followed by additional reactor deployments through 2035. Overall, this deal will enable up to 500 MW of new 24/7 carbon-free power to U.S. electricity grids and help more communities benefit from clean and affordable nuclear power.



replies(8): >>41841055 #>>41842094 #>>41842395 #>>41843875 #>>41844253 #>>41845537 #>>41845613 #>>41848283 #
ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41842094[source]
Would be extremely interesting to the the $/MWh for the deal to understand the viability.

Otherwise similar to the NuScale deal which fell through last autumn.

A PPA like agreement which then only kept rising until all potential utilities had quit the deal.

All honor to Kairos if they can deliver, but history is against them. Let’s hope they succeed.

> NuScale has a more credible contract with the Carbon Free Power Project (“CFPP”) for the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (“UAMPS”). CFPP participants have been supportive of the project despite contracted energy prices that never seem to stop rising, from $55/MWh in 2016, to $89/MWh at the start of this year. What many have missed is that NuScale has been given till around January 2024 to raise project commitments to 80% or 370 MWe, from the existing 26% or 120 MWe, or risk termination. Crucially, when the participants agreed to this timeline, they were assured refunds for project costs if it were terminated, which creates an incentive for them to drop out. We are three months to the deadline and subscriptions have not moved an inch.

replies(2): >>41842380 #>>41846359 #
credit_guy ◴[] No.41842380[source]
> All honor to Kairos if they can deliver, but history is against them.

History is not really against them. Our current reactors (mainly pressurized water reactors) are the way they are because Admiral Rickover determined that PWRs are the best option for submarines. He was not wrong, but civilian power reactors are not the same as the reactors powering submarines.

PWRs are expensive mainly because of the huge pressure inside the reactor core, about 150 times higher than the atmospheric pressure. For comparison, a pressure cooker has an internal pressure about 5 times higher than the atmospheric pressure, and such a cooker can explode with a pretty loud bang.

The Kairos Hermes reactor design is based on a design that was tested in the '60s, the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment [1]. While such a reactor can be used to burn thorium, Kairos decided to go with the far more conventional approach of burning U-235. The reactor operates at approximately regular atmospheric pressure. This should reduce considerably the construction costs.

Of course, there are unknowns. While the world has built thousands of pressurized water reactors, it has built maybe 10 molten salt reactors. For example one quite unexpected effect in the MSRE was the enbrittlement of the reactor vessel caused by tellurium, which shows up as a fission product when U-235 burns.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a very conservative organization, and they don't have much experience with molten salt reactors because nobody has. It took them 6 years to give NuScale an approval for a pressurized water reactor, design that they knew in and out. My guess is that they will not give Kairos an approval without at least 15 years of testing. But Google's agreement with Kairos is quite crucial to keep this testing going.


replies(6): >>41843113 #>>41843300 #>>41843515 #>>41844374 #>>41846610 #>>41847860 #
1. rob74 ◴[] No.41846610[source]
> The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a very conservative organization

I'm glad they are, actually! Personally, I'm not really convinced by the "small modular reactor" concept. Ok, so building a big nuclear power plant is expensive. But is it really cheaper to build 10 smaller nuclear power plants (which all need to conform to the same safety regulations, need maintenance, personnel etc.) instead?

replies(3): >>41846655 #>>41846715 #>>41847798 #
2. rkangel ◴[] No.41846655[source]
I firmly believe that iteration is the key to good engineering. SpaceX has got where they are (partly) due to running flight after flight with incremental improvements each time. The problem with the massive reactors is that you get to build only a couple of them, so you never get to take advantage of learnings to make the next one better/cheaper/quicker.
replies(2): >>41846705 #>>41846909 #
3. rob74 ◴[] No.41846705[source]
So basically it's one economy of scale (making something bigger means the costs for safety, maintenance, personnel etc. are proportionally lower) vs. another economy of scale (making more of one thing decreases the costs per "unit"). Place your bets...

About your comparison to SpaceX: the approach of building a rocket, launching it, letting it explode and then using the gathered data to make the next one explode later (or not at all) is fine for rockets, but I wouldn't want to see it applied to nuclear reactors.

replies(1): >>41846896 #
4. zdragnar ◴[] No.41846715[source]
I believe the thought is that the cost of regulatory and safety measures do not scale favorably with reactor size. You don't have separate facilities so much as 10 reactors on the same site, so you don't need to increase personnel 10x.

Actually proving this with a deployed design seems to be the challenge, though with strong headwinds against nuclear across the board, favoring proven designs over newer ones is at least a little faster. That's not a flaw of the design, but intrinsic to the social and political environment.

5. rkangel ◴[] No.41846896{3}[source]
I do agree on not letting nuclear reactors explode, but I did use the SpaceX example on purpose. Before SpaceX started to do it, the concept of iterating to that degree on rockets was unthinkable. There was a self reinforcing loop of "rocket launches are expensive, so we must plan for every contingency, so the launch cycle is long and expensive". SpaceX proved that wrong.

I think small modular reactors are the way out of the similar cycle we've got for nuclear reactors. And I think that building a small number of large ones is going to be a lot better if we're also building a large number of small ones and learning.

It's like not building a y houses for 30 years and then building a massive skyscraper. If that's all we do then we'll only ever have one way of building a skyscraper because there's no room to experiment on other construction materials and techniques.

replies(1): >>41846991 #
6. operationcwal ◴[] No.41846909[source]
if you don't care about any externalities (like spacex), sure. but I doubt hospitals or just normal people who need electricity would be super happy about power sources failing because the people building them subscribed to the "move fast/break things" mentality instead of actually building reliable/safe infrastructure at the cost of it taking longer
replies(2): >>41847557 #>>41848827 #
7. pydry ◴[] No.41846991{4}[source]
>Before SpaceX started to do it, the concept of iterating to that degree on rockets was unthinkable.

I'm pretty sure that was what NASA was going to do all the way back in the 70s before their funding got slashed. It was a novel idea but not a novel idea that SpaceX was particularly responsible for, just one they threw capital at because the government stopped caring after the space race.

Nuclear power research, by contrast, never really suffered from a lack of available funds. They were throwing money at mini reactors back in the 90s, saying all the same stuff about how mass production would bring down the price.

replies(1): >>41847184 #
8. pieix ◴[] No.41847184{5}[source]
NASA funding far exceeds SpaceX’s and always has. It shouldn’t take 4% of the US federal budget (NASA funding during Apollo) to run a hardware-rich design process!
replies(1): >>41847205 #
9. pydry ◴[] No.41847205{6}[source]
Apollo was wound down because the government wanted NASA to focus on the space shuttle and all sorts of other things as well as slashing the total budget by a huge amount.

So, while in theory it may have had the money, in practice it did not.

replies(1): >>41847368 #
10. pieix ◴[] No.41847368{7}[source]
The Shuttle cost $48 billion to develop in inflation-adjusted dollars — contrast this with the ~$5B spent on Starship development thus far. It’s hard to defend the claim that NASA is or ever has been under-funded.
replies(1): >>41847783 #
11. zaphar ◴[] No.41847557{3}[source]
Our energy infrastructure isn't particularly reliable right now. Power outages, while not at the level of a third world country, are quite frequent. Nuclear is the highest energy density power generation you can get. Investing in reactors that are less susceptible to explosions (Like a molten salt reactor) is an important step and it's really only viable if you can iterate which means building modular reactor. If you read the article you'll see that most of their iteration and experimentation is without the nuclear material. Something that is possible because the reactor itself is small and can be run through a bunch of safety checks without the dangerous parts.

The route that Nuscale and Kairos are taking is both cheaper and safer than large scale reactors. And we are going to need something to fill the gaps when there is no wind or solar generation available if we want to get off fossil fuels.

replies(2): >>41847613 #>>41847712 #
12. ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41847613{4}[source]
We have been attempting "small modular reactors" since the 1950s. They've never worked out. In the same sense that tiny coal plants never worked out.

Large physical scale is everything with old school power generation technologies due to various scaling laws.

replies(2): >>41850266 #>>41850504 #
13. mschuster91 ◴[] No.41847712{4}[source]
> Power outages, while not at the level of a third world country, are quite frequent. Nuclear is the highest energy density power generation you can get.

Well that is more because the American grid is suffering from a mountain load of neglect-debt to a tune that paints the infamous German railways as saints - the Camp Fire for example was most likely caused by a C-hook breaking after many, many decades of neglect [1].

Here in Europe, we get by just fine with outages measured in maybe a dozen minutes (!) a year [2] - Germany got rid of all nuclear reactors, many old ones in other countries were retired as well (Fessenheim, the most infamous one, in 2020), and while there are new builds, they are often decades late and many billions over budget.

How do we do this? We have strict regulations across the board (mandating stuff such as resilience against bad weather, unlike Texas which IIRC refuses to tie in to the other US grids to avoid such regulation), a cross-continental spanning grid [3], and most especially... we just love to bury our cables belowground, so even in the case lightning or storms hit, the actual impact on the consumers is all but negligible. And as the infamous summer of 2023 shows, the power grid still didn't fail even as dozens of NPPs in France and Switzerland had to completely shut down or significantly reduce output because there was not enough cooling water [4]. Hell we even manage to supply an entire country at war with decent power, despite Russia continuously attacking the power grid.





14. msandford ◴[] No.41847783{8}[source]
NASAs "do stuff" budget is super small because their "keep all the experts on staff" budget is insatiable.

It's not entirely bad though, I'm sure lots of those folks are doing good and important stuff. But I don't think the balance between employment and building things is quite right. At least to my tastes.

15. infecto ◴[] No.41847798[source]
One part of the problem with traditional plants is that they are massive mega projects which the US does not specialize in. I am assuming by building smaller you are able to iterate on designs quicker.

I also wonder how much of the cost is tied up in the upfront construction and engineering compared to operations.

replies(1): >>41848179 #
16. Qwertious ◴[] No.41848179[source]
>I am assuming by building smaller you are able to iterate on designs quicker.

Everyone in this thread is assuming this, but you get economy of scale by building lots of the same thing, not by constantly changing things.

replies(2): >>41850402 #>>41851132 #
17. DennisP ◴[] No.41848827{3}[source]
Worth mentioning here that the SpaceX Falcon is the world's most reliable rocket, with a full success rate of 99.24% out of 394 total launches, 325 successful launches of the current version, and 98.5% successful booster landings of the current version, something no other orbital launch system even attempts.

Comparisons to other rockets here:

At the moment, of course, two astronauts are stuck on ISS after Boeing's new spacecraft, developed along more traditional lines, experienced problems in its first crewed flight. They're awaiting rescue by SpaceX's Dragon, which has flown 16 times with crew and delivered astronauts to the ISS 10 times, all without a glitch. Both companies were awarded their crew contracts in 2014.

replies(1): >>41849849 #
18. operationcwal ◴[] No.41849849{4}[source]
and nuclear reactors are incredibly reliable as well. do the ends always justify the means?
replies(1): >>41849985 #
19. DennisP ◴[] No.41849985{5}[source]
Since I don't see moral deficit in the means involved in either example, I don't understand the point of your question.
20. DennisP ◴[] No.41850266{5}[source]
We have plenty of small but commercially successful natural gas plants, so it doesn't seem to be a general principle. The only scaling law mentioned in your article is this:

> a 400-MW reactor requires less than twice the quantity of concrete and steel to construct as a 200-MW reactor, and it can be operated with fewer than twice as many people. Writing in Science in 1961, a senior member of the AEC worried that “competition [from fossil fuel plants] is indeed formidable” and suggested that “with current pressurized-water reactor technology, lower nuclear power costs can be achieved most readily with large plants.”

Almost all the SMRs we've built have been water cooled reactors, which require a large amount of concrete and steel. Newer designs, such as molten salt reactors, can use a lot less, because they operate near atmospheric pressure, don't have to leave room for a high-pressure pipe break introducing a large volume of steam, and have nothing that can cause a chemical explosion. They're also inherently stable and adaptive to load, with little need for active control. A small modular MSR could well work out.

21. DennisP ◴[] No.41850402{3}[source]
Iterate on designs quickly in development. Build lots of the same thing in production. Smaller hardware helps for both phases.
22. philwelch ◴[] No.41850504{5}[source]
The US has been successfully producing small modular reactors since the 1950’s. We just happen to install virtually all of them inside of submarines and aircraft carriers.
replies(1): >>41850848 #
23. ViewTrick1002 ◴[] No.41850848{6}[source]
For the least price sensitive customer in the world: The US navy. That doesn't tend to translate into working products on cutthroat markets.
replies(1): >>41850942 #
24. philwelch ◴[] No.41850942{7}[source]
I’ve actually been aboard a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, where I observed flight operations from the flight deck. I can assure you that it’s a working product. And the Navy is under a lot more pressure to cut costs and economize than many government projects.
25. infecto ◴[] No.41851132{3}[source]
I am not so sure you can build an economy of scale with projects that take a decade to construct and even longer when accounting for approvals and paperwork. The projects are too massive and too long. The contractor that poured the foundation for the last project may no longer be around. It has worked in some areas of the world like China because they have been building from zero and are able to scale mega projects.

The US has more hope to learn by iterating on smaller projects.