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  • Sohcahtoa82(4)
  • dotancohen(3)

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165 points fzliu | 30 comments | | HN request time: 1.966s | source | bottom
1. Sohcahtoa82 ◴[] No.41843245[source]
During the solving of a problem on Project Euler, I learned that compilers are smarter than me.

I don't remember the problem number or its title, but it involved starting from the top-left corner of a 2D grid and finding how many possible paths there are to get to the bottom-right corner while only moving either down or right.

My naive solution was a brute-force depth-first recursive search. On my CPU at the time, it took about 3 minutes to solve. I thought, the logic of this is incredibly simple, why not do it in assembly?

My assembly solution took 5 minutes.

I decompiled the compiled C code to see what it had done, but I couldn't understand it. My assembly knowledge was too basic.

Thinking on it now, I wonder if a modern compiler would solve the entire problem at compile-time and just hard-code the answer to be output at runtime.

replies(5): >>41843296 #>>41843301 #>>41843529 #>>41843878 #>>41844013 #
2. johnsonjo ◴[] No.41843296[source]
Sounds like problem 15 [1]?


replies(1): >>41843453 #
3. guessmyname ◴[] No.41843301[source]
Lattice Paths —

> Starting in the top left corner of a 2x2 grid, and only being able to move to the right and down, there are exactly 6 routes to the bottom right corner.

   ─────────┐  ────┐       ────┐    
   ┌───┬───┐│  ┌───│───┐   ┌───│───┐
   │   │   ││  │   │   │   │   │   │
   ├───┼───┤│  ├───└────┐  ├───│───┤
   │   │   ││  │   │   ││  │   │   │
   └───┴───┘│  └───┴───┘│  └───│───┘
            ▼           ▼      └────▶
  │┌───┬───┐  │┌───┬───┐  │┌───┬───┐
  ││   │   │  ││   │   │  ││   │   │
  └─────────┐ └────┐───┤  │├───┼───┤
   │   │   ││  │   │   │  ││   │   │
   └───┴───┘│  └───│───┘  │└───┴───┘
            ▼      └────▶ └─────────▶
> How many such routes are there through a 20x20 grid?
replies(4): >>41843464 #>>41843557 #>>41843591 #>>41844288 #
4. Sohcahtoa82 ◴[] No.41843453[source]
Yup! That was it!
replies(1): >>41843699 #
5. Sohcahtoa82 ◴[] No.41843464[source]
Yup! That was it!

Good job on the ASCII art, btw.

6. ◴[] No.41843529[source]
7. dotancohen ◴[] No.41843557[source]
> How many such routes are there through a 20x20 grid?

Is it 21! ?

replies(2): >>41843587 #>>41843596 #
8. Jtsummers ◴[] No.41843587{3}[source]
Nope, and only off by a few orders of magnitude.
replies(1): >>41846184 #
9. fallingknife ◴[] No.41843591[source]
Am I missing something here or would that be as simple as 2N nCr N for an NxN grid?
replies(1): >>41850457 #
10. mdp2021 ◴[] No.41843596{3}[source]
No. It's 20!/(10!x10!)

You have 20 slots to be filled with 10 items vs other 10 items.

replies(1): >>41843664 #
11. noapologies ◴[] No.41843664{4}[source]
Close, it's 40!/(20!*20!)

20 Rs, 20 Ds in a 20x20 grid.

Example pattern: RRDDDR...D (40 letters)

Basically the number of permutations, with repetition, of 20 Rs and 20 Ds.

replies(2): >>41843698 #>>41846175 #
12. mdp2021 ◴[] No.41843698{5}[source]
Oops! Thanks, just distraction... It's that first I wanted to see the general solution to those kind of problems (and I gave the solution for a wrong one in the class), then I wanted to verify the C implementation of the solution with POPCNT like the OP seems to have done (I am writing the code)...

Edit: ...and yes, it seems that brute-forcing (counting to one trillion) takes more time than I expected.

13. wging ◴[] No.41843699{3}[source]
If you want a few similar problems, in ascending order of difficulty, try #81 through #83:

replies(1): >>41854247 #
14. archgoon ◴[] No.41843878[source]
So fun fact, if you compile

  int sum(int n) {
      int sum = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          sum +=i;
      return sum;
clang, with -O2, will turn this into the polynomial (n+1)*n//2. It can also do similar transformations for multiple loops.

So if you do a brute force solution which could have been reduced to a polyomial, clang has a shot of doing just that.

replies(2): >>41844299 #>>41845005 #
15. gerdesj ◴[] No.41844013[source]
We all have our skills and super powers and yours do not involve optimizing for time by switching from C to ASM. Fuck that! I bet you have super powers of some sort.

Compilers are not smarter than you - that's daft. The nutters that program the compilers and tweak and twiddle them, are better informed about how to deliver faster machine code for a given task.

One of your super powers is to know when to say: "fuck it, I'm trotting off and getting by with a five minutes runtime".

16. FredPret ◴[] No.41844288[source]
Did you just whip out that amazing ASCII art or do you use a tool?
replies(1): >>41844563 #
17. j2kun ◴[] No.41844299[source]
I believe the term for this is scalar evolution.
replies(1): >>41844325 #
18. archgoon ◴[] No.41844325{3}[source]
Yep! That is it alright.

Here's a talk from an llvm conference with the details.

19. guessmyname ◴[] No.41844563{3}[source]
ASCII art by hand (⌐■_■) it only took me 5 minutes or so … That said, I think someone could have done it faster with a tool like Monodraw ( or something similar.
20. sbrother ◴[] No.41845005[source]
That is mind blowing, but it’s not immediately obvious to me that it’s equivalent for n > sqrt(INT_MAX). Is it? And if so, is the compiler somehow smart enough to know that?
replies(2): >>41845099 #>>41850481 #
21. marin049 ◴[] No.41845099{3}[source]
Integer overflow is actually undefined behaviour thus the compiler is free to assume it doesn't happen.
22. dotancohen ◴[] No.41846175{5}[source]
Now I see it. Twenty items (R operations) in 40 slots: 40!/(20!) and the order of the items does not matter, so again divide by 20!. The remaining slots are D operations.

The answer actually came to me in the shower this morning.

23. dotancohen ◴[] No.41846184{4}[source]
If it is any comfort, my answer produced a non-negative integer - just like the true answer ))
24. xigoi ◴[] No.41850457{3}[source]
You’re not missing anything. This is an easy problem aimed at people who are not familiar with basic combinatorics.
replies(3): >>41853517 #>>41854050 #>>41854220 #
25. xigoi ◴[] No.41850481{3}[source]
If you assume two’s complement arithmetic, then this is always equivalent because you’re basically just calculating the answer in a modular ring.
26. philiplu ◴[] No.41853517{4}[source]
Something this illustrates, though - once you solve a problem, read the forum thread (the link will be at the bottom of the problem page when solved).

I learned so much poring over the solutions of earlier solvers. Without that knowledge, there's no way I could have gotten lots of later problems.

Sure, problem #15 is very early and I happened to know the answer right off, back the first day I started solving PE problems. But even so, there are some gems in the posts from other solvers.

27. fallingknife ◴[] No.41854050{4}[source]
On second look I think it can be further generalized to N+M nCr M for all grids NxM where N >= M since the number of ways should depend on combinations of the smaller number.
28. nonameiguess ◴[] No.41854220{4}[source]
I'm a bit disappointed I didn't see this quicker back when I did this problem like 15 years ago or whatever it is now. My solution was to use matrix exponentiation on the adjacency matrix of the path graph, which is a heck of a lot better than brute force enumeration of all paths, but still roughly cubic rather than linear like computing a bunch of factorials. Even as a math major, I'd done a lot more linear algebra than combinatorics.
29. Sohcahtoa82 ◴[] No.41854247{4}[source]
Couldn't all three of those be solved using the A* path-finding algorithm?
replies(1): >>41861400 #
30. wging ◴[] No.41861400{5}[source]