> Billboards - The latest can watch you as you go by and tailor their ads to suit. The country had at least 1400 high-tech billboards last year; it had at least 49 that also have number-plate recognition cameras to count cars (not identify their owners, the operators insist). Some malls have smartscreens that can gauge your mood.
Hah, Minority Report is here. Digital signage around me tailoring ads to my preferences is a freaky idea though, will they start showing me "Hot singles want to date you"? I suppose they'll be able to scan the crowd and see who's the richest^W who's the easiest to pry money from and then show an ad targeted to them. And a network of these cameras can conceivably even identify where I live and work ("We see this face shopping at this supermarket most weeks", "most mornings we spot him at this coffee place"), and by doing so guess my income and spending levels.
And scanning cars is an interesting idea. "It's a Cybertruck, show the ad for the penis-enlarging pill!".