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199 points billybuckwheat | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.204s | source
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hammock ◴[] No.41213541[source]
Add the credit card readers/POS tablets at stores, Starbucks, etc to that list, which mostly have tiny cell phone cameras built into them now (whether you knew it or not)
replies(5): >>41213632 #>>41213701 #>>41213789 #>>41213833 #>>41214603 #
curiousthought ◴[] No.41213632[source]
I think people would be alarmed if they knew the amount of detail that credit card readers can collect (Level 3 data).
replies(2): >>41214559 #>>41226561 #
mdp2021 ◴[] No.41214559[source]
> the amount of detail that credit card readers can collect (Level 3 data)

Please expand.

replies(2): >>41215267 #>>41219713 #
mnahkies ◴[] No.41215267[source]
AFAIK level 3 data is essentially receipt line item level data.

I'd actually find it pretty cool to get access to my own level 3 data for smarter budgeting/analysis (eg: automatic tracking of food stocks, separation of spend on luxury foods from basics etc), but I've not found a way to get access as an individual yet

replies(1): >>41216158 #
com ◴[] No.41216158[source]
Merchants seldom submit L3 data with transactions for stupid legacy tech reasons. The card schemes encourage them to do so with bips off scheme fees for doing so, but it’s a minority of transactions I think with even L2 data.
replies(1): >>41216223 #
1. hammock ◴[] No.41216223[source]
The merchants usually don’t (to the data brokers at least), that is correct. But backdoored firmware on the POS could send it anywhere, no?