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199 points billybuckwheat | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.456s | source
1. mu53 ◴[] No.41213800[source]
Its really easy to point out that these systems exist. The cameras are often only slightly hidden. The problem is knowing what is being done with the data. Where the data goes and how it is used. You don't know who has pictures of your face, your current location, or a list of people with your religious beliefs/habits/likes/dislikes/political beliefs.

The combination of those items give people a motive and opportunity, and the only thing that is lacking is a choice of weapon. People have been mass murdering others over their political beliefs since forever. Poisons are a covert weapons, and car accidents can be created.

It is conspiratorial to think this way, but it is naive to look through the history until even recent years to dismiss these concerns.

replies(1): >>41213895 #
2. StanislavPetrov ◴[] No.41213895[source]
In retrospect I'm glad I spent the last 20 years wearing a hat and sunglasses virtually everywhere.
replies(1): >>41215753 #
3. soulofmischief ◴[] No.41215753[source]
I quite enjoyed being able to mask up with sunglasses and a ballcap during the pandemic. Felt nice to be a little less concerned with corporate surveillance for a while.
replies(1): >>41217038 #
4. 8n4vidtmkvmk ◴[] No.41217038{3}[source]
You can keep doing it if you want.
replies(1): >>41220116 #
5. soulofmischief ◴[] No.41220116{4}[source]
I do, but before the pandemic, many establishments in my area banned masks.