We could add taxis to that list that use the Curb ride hailing system, with their "passenger information monitors" located in the rear of the taxi.
We could add taxis to that list that use the Curb ride hailing system, with their "passenger information monitors" located in the rear of the taxi.
You should be aware that with "connected cars", some contracts were extended with a duty of warning from the vehicle owner to any guest: "I need to inform you that if you enter my car, you accept to be profiled by the manufacturer and its partners" (see https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/article... ).
So, which "taxis"? Taxis are getting extinct - with cars. (You did not expect by entering a taxi to subscribe a sinister contract with unclear entities - and some will plainly refuse it. The "unlivable society" proceeds.)
This was in New York City.
There absolutely should be some kind of notice, or at least an opting-in (where the "opt-in" is not the act of simply getting into a cab).
It's irritating a vital service like this becomes an "all or nothing" deal, where I can't selectively opt-out of some shady practice and still use the fundamental service.