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The New Internet

517 points ingve | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.207s | source
1. aborsy ◴[] No.41096840[source]
I used to use Wireguard. It connects a peer to a peer, but stops there. I have since replaced it with Tailscale. It goes much beyond Wireguard, and connects everything to everything. A lot of my networking problems went away. After using Taildrop for several months, I feel the post is right about it. It’s a frictionless one click peer to peer file transfer tool that is very useful. It should have been built into the internet.

The idea of entirely decentralized internet is wishful thinking. You always need servers. Even with IP6, you have to run a STUN or DDNS server, since ip addresses change. Do you want to run them at home? I don’t.

I do think Tailscale is on path to different networking.