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412 points conanxin | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.25s | source
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mxwsn ◴[] No.41084928[source]
This essay by Neal Stephenson was first published in 1999. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Beginning..._Was_the_...

The analogy of OS as cars (Windows is a station wagon, Linux is a tank) is brought up in the recent Acquired episode on Microsoft, where Vista was a Dodge Viper but Windows 7 was a Toyota Camry, which is what users actually wanted.

replies(7): >>41084952 #>>41085934 #>>41086631 #>>41086902 #>>41088400 #>>41089882 #>>41092622 #
throwawaydummy ◴[] No.41089882[source]
I didn’t know myself let alone computers but anyone know why Vista and Windows 8 got such bad reps?
replies(3): >>41090825 #>>41092587 #>>41093831 #
1. theandrewbailey ◴[] No.41092587[source]
I'm one of the few people who thought Vista was fine. It mostly got a bad rap because of bad drivers and high system requirements.