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The New Internet

517 points ingve | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.209s | source
1. rldjbpin ◴[] No.41092044[source]
"layers" have been a major motif of the write up.

> We’re removing layers, and layers, and layers of complexity, and making it easier to work on what you wanted to work on in the first place.

as an avid user, i'd say they are in fact adding more layers to the problem. it is well-designed and relatively accessible, sure, but it represents a stop-gap solution while everyone eventually pushes to the eventual solution.

it has always been the double-edged nature of abstraction. we give trust and responsibility to another party while for us networking works out "magically". but the moment your remote client has some auth issues, you snap back to reality. besides bandwidth costs, it seems that their otherwise generous pricing model is economically viable in post-ai landscape.

i'd personally like to act like a "landowner" of the internet, but currently being a rentor seems like a good idea while we all wait for social housing to finally get accepted.