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193 points todsacerdoti | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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mcoliver ◴[] No.41084271[source]
I got hit by this. On June 6 I got an email from Google saying welcome to Google workspace for my domain.

I don't have Google workspace for this domain and use an alternate email provider. I was curious so tried to signin and was told that the admin account was an email on my domain (eg foo@mydomain.com). Ok, created that account so I could receive email, except then Google said that I had to use the backup recovery email which happened to be mydomain@gmail.com.

Google said that non verified workspaces (eg not verified through txt or cname records) would be automatically deleted after 7 days.

14 days later the workspace was still there.

I had to go through a convoluted manual form and process to get my workspace domain back and then properly register it so this would not happen again.

I provided the following feedback which seems like common sense, but I guess it ain't that common:

1) you shouldn't be able to create a workspace with a custom domain without verifying it via DNS records from the start. No 7 day grace which actually was broken and for all I know was infinite grace period.

2) the established admin account with a custom domain email address should be eligible to perform recovery. Not some arbitrary secondary Gmail account.

replies(1): >>41085265 #
ryanjshaw ◴[] No.41085265[source]
Thanks for taking the time to explain the issue. I found the article confusing and vague.
replies(1): >>41088250 #
benatkin ◴[] No.41088250[source]
It’s actually a pretty good article. The information that the author has is limited.
replies(1): >>41091577 #
1. ryanjshaw ◴[] No.41091577[source]
Agree to disagree. I use Google Workspaces on a personal domain (grandfathered in from a lifetime ago). The #1 question anybody in my position has is: am I somebody impacted by this as a Google Workspaces admin? The article didn't answer that, the comment here did (assuming it's the same issue).