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The New Internet

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throw782349872 ◴[] No.41084728[source]
I've been an active Tailscale user for years now, preaching the Gospel of Wireguard Control Planes to all who will listen (and many who won't) in both my personal and professional life.

It's been really disheartening to watch the steady enshittification of Tailscale, Inc. I knew it was coming with 100% certainty once they raised 100mil in 2022. It's still heartbreaking because the product itself is quite good.

The worst part is because Tailscale, Inc got there "first" (I know nebula existed before Tailscale did. shut up, okay?) and now the other competitors like NetMaker, NetBird, are all following almost the exact same business model ("open core+" - open source client and some kind of claim to an open source control plane with infinity caveats to funnel enterprise dollarydoos back to the vulture capitalists)

replies(2): >>41086110 #>>41091477 #
1. kiitos ◴[] No.41091477[source]
not sure what you mean by "enshittification"

are you describing the process of a company achieving commercial success?