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The New Internet

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OneOffAsk ◴[] No.41083445[source]
> In fact, we didn’t found Tailscale to be a networking company. Networking didn’t come into it much at all at first.

I always just assumed they were building some kind of logging software (“tail”scale), used Wireguard to connect hosts, and just kind of stopped there. Don’t get me wrong, Tailscale is a nice way to connect machines. It’s nice because Wireguard is nice.

replies(2): >>41083510 #>>41091446 #
1. kiitos ◴[] No.41091446[source]
Wireguard by itself is good, but it isn't nice. Tailscale is nice because it builds on top of Wireguard (which is good) and adds UX stuff (which makes it nice).

Nice requires humane UX.