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The New Internet

517 points ingve | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
1. thr0w ◴[] No.41090160[source]
> Sure, Apple’s there selling popular laptops, but you could buy a different laptop or a different phone.

> But the liberation didn’t last long. If you deploy software, you probably pay rent to AWS.

There's no Azure? GCP? Hetzner? Digital Ocean?

> You pay exorbitant rents to cloud providers for their computing power because your own computer isn’t in the right place to be a decent server.

You do that because you don't know what port-forwarding is (vast majority of software people do not), or you don't have the place or infra in your dwelling to stash a laptop server running 24/7 without interruption.

replies(1): >>41090188 #
2. literallyroy ◴[] No.41090188[source]
You probably also have a residential IP and need to pay some service (Ngrok?) to convert that into a static address that’s useful right?