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The New Internet

517 points ingve | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.462s | source
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teddyh ◴[] No.41084227[source]
The eternal problem with companies like Tailscale (and Cloudflare, Google, etc. etc.) is that, by solving a problem with the modern internet which the internet should have been designed to solve by itself, like simple end-to-end secure connectivity, Tailscale becomes incentivized to keep the problem. What the internet would need is something like IPv6 with automatic encryption via IPsec, with PKI provided by DNSSEC. But Tailscale has every incentive to prevent such things to be widely and compatibly implemented, because it would destroy their business. Their whole business depends on the problem persisting.

(Repost of <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38570370>)

replies(14): >>41084990 #>>41084996 #>>41085022 #>>41085061 #>>41085166 #>>41085236 #>>41085716 #>>41085987 #>>41086195 #>>41086648 #>>41087141 #>>41087359 #>>41089848 #>>41092877 #
throwaway211[dead post] ◴[] No.41085061[source]
smolder ◴[] No.41085153[source]
This is a poor analogy. Historically there is a significant cost to making bad cars with frequent repair needs.
replies(2): >>41085247 #>>41089117 #
1. neuralRiot ◴[] No.41089117[source]
As somebody working in the modern automotive field I would like to disagree. The only incentive for car manufacturers is price point vs warranty period, after that you’re on your own. “Durability and “reliability” are no longer selling points for any automaker.
replies(1): >>41089437 #
2. listenallyall ◴[] No.41089437[source]
As someone not in the field, do you believe there is a true, objective, statistically valid way to tell which manufacturers (or which specific models) are more durable than others? All I see are consumer surveys, JD Power (more surveys), etc which, like most surveys, have wide error margins, and overall seem rather anecdote-based, and don't necessarily account for different stresses placed on the car based on driving style, diligence of maintenance, climate, etc.