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193 points todsacerdoti | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.203s | source
1. Canada ◴[] No.41088746[source]
Funny, Google has just locked me out of my work email. Endless loop of "verify it's you" demanding a phone number, even though I use a security key. Entering a number results in "you have tried too many times, try again in a few hours" but that is not true, it seems permanent. Having Workspace super admins reset my password or suspend login challenge for 10 minutes does not work. It will not let me back in.

Fun fact, Google doesn't allow you to contact support if you are locked out. It also doesn't allow you to post for help on their community forums.

I guess Google gets to decide if I am allowed to use email. My employer apparently doesn't get a say in the matter.