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412 points conanxin | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source
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ndsipa_pomu ◴[] No.41086243[source]
One major advantage of the CLI is that instructions/fixes etc are very concise and can be easily communicated. If someone has a Linux system that needs a known fix, then it's trivial to send someone the commands to copy/paste into a terminal. However, if there's a known fix for a graphical program, then it suddenly becomes much harder to communicate - do you go for a textual instruction (e.g. click on the hamburger menu, then choose "preferences"...), or a series of screenshots along with some text?
replies(6): >>41086944 #>>41088283 #>>41088290 #>>41088405 #>>41089211 #>>41095482 #
1. gumby ◴[] No.41088405[source]
Or even write a script which is just those commands. Meanwhile every step a user as to do is an opportunity to cause a new and different problem.