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276 points samwillis | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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PaulHoule ◴[] No.41081764[source]
That particular version of the chromaticity diagram makes it look like the colors missing from your display are various shades of laser pointer green as opposed to all the shades of red and blue that are missing because really saturated red and blue primaries are too dim (per unit of energy) to use.

See https://nanosys.com/blog-archive/2012/08/14/color-space-conf...

I learned a lot more about color management than I wanted to know in the progress of making red-cyan stereograms because I found when I asked for sRGB red I was getting something like (180,16,16) on my high gamut monitor which resulted in serious crosstalk between the channels.

Right now I am working with a seamstress friend on custom printed fabrics and I have a flower print where yellow somehow turned to orange in the midst of processing the image and I want to get it debugged and thoroughly proofed before I send out the order... I am still learning more than I want to know about color management.

replies(4): >>41082054 #>>41082342 #>>41087720 #>>41088485 #
ThrowawayTestr ◴[] No.41082054[source]
>Right now I am working with a seamstress friend on custom printed fabrics and I have a flower print where yellow somehow turned to orange in the midst of processing the image

That's why Pantone makes so much money.

replies(1): >>41084042 #
lolinder ◴[] No.41084042[source]
And, importantly, that's why Pantone isn't just a freeloader making money off of nothing the way that some of the more clickbaity parts of the internet represent them. They're not solving an easy problem, if they were they wouldn't get paid.
replies(2): >>41084167 #>>41084365 #
ttoinou ◴[] No.41084167[source]
Aren’t they (present humans) simply profiting from work done decades ago (past humans, not them) through patents or others kinds of IP / protections granted by governments ? Surely it was original and useful before but now it’s part of humans knowledge base
replies(1): >>41086958 #
1. itishappy ◴[] No.41086958{3}[source]
Somewhat, but that work has utility to this day. You can find competing products out there if you don't want to pay Pantone's rates, but there's a reason many people still work with Pantone. It's a universal language of sorts.


replies(1): >>41089445 #
2. marcosdumay ◴[] No.41089445[source]
What defines them as "leeches" or not is if they keep adding value to their work.

Passively profiting from some work done decades ago makes them something you want to destroy; increasingly improving their catalogue with valuable new tones and knowledge makes them something you want to protect.